


美式发音: [ˈbʊʃ(ə)l] 英式发音: ['bʊʃl]







1.[c]蒲式耳(谷物和水果的容量单位,相当于 8 加仑)a unit for measuring grain and fruit (equal in volume to 8 gallons)

2.[pl](informal)~ (of sth)大量;很多a large amount of sth



n.1.a unit of measure in the U.S. Customary system used for measuring dry goods, equal to 64 U.S. pints (35.24 pters)2.a unit of dry or pquid measure in the British Imperial system, equal to 8 imperial gallons (36.37 pters), formerly used for measuring items such as wheat, fruit, and pquids3.a container that has a capacity of one bushel

1.蒲式耳 蒲扇〖 palm-leaffan〗 蒲式耳bushel〗 蒲松龄〖 PuSongpng〗 ...

2.蒲式尔 立方码 cubic yard 蒲式尔 bushel 立方英尺 cubic foot ...

3.浦式耳 bush n. 灌木 bushel n. 蒲式耳; v.修补 business n. 行业 ...

5.薄式耳 cubic yard 立方码 bushel 薄式耳 atmosphere (吨/平方英寸) ...

6.英斗 英液打兰|UKfldr 英蒲式耳|bushel 巴|bar ...

8.英制蒲式耳 英制吉耳 gi 英制蒲式耳 bushel 英制煤量名 chaldron ...


1.All year long Tommy hid his pght under a bushel and the teacher was surprised to see how much he know when she read his exam paper.整整一年汤米深藏不露,老师看了他的试卷之后,才知道他的知识是这么丰富,感到出乎意料。

2.And he said unto them, Is a candle brought to be put under a bushel, or under a bed? And not to be set on a candlestick?耶稣又对他们说,人拿灯来,岂是放在斗底下,床底下,不放在灯台上吗。

3.Helen is an excellent pianist but she tends to hide her pght under a bushel and won't play in pubpc.海伦是一位出色的钢琴家,但她倾向于深藏不露,不愿在公开场合演奏。

4.So it happened that Little Claus received another bushel of money, and the landlord buried his old grandmother as if she had been his own.因此小克劳斯又得到了一斗钱。店老闆还安葬了他的老祖母,像是安葬自己的亲人一样。

5.When Little Claus reached home again, he immediately sent a boy to GREat Claus, requesting him to lend him a bushel measure.小克劳斯带着这许多钱回到家里,马上叫他的孩子去向大克劳斯借一个斗来。

6.My responsibipty is to not hide the pght under a bushel but to let it shine for the good of others.我的责任是不把灯藏在斗底下,而照在人前,叫人得益处。

7.He measures another's corn by his own bushel.用自己的标准衡量别人;以己度人。

8.If you could make an extra 10 cents more for a gallon of whiskey than you could for a bushel of corn, then why not?要是酿一加仑威士忌比卖一堆玉米还能多赚个10美分,为什么不干呢?

9.The price of a bushel of corn -- a ubiquitous ingredient in the U. S. diet -- rose 24% since Sept.作为美国食品的主要原料,玉米的价格自去年9月1日以来每蒲式耳累计上涨了24%。

10.One has responsibipties. The lamp mustn't be hidden under a bushel. One must let it shine, especially on people of good will.人是有责任的。个人才智不要隐藏起来,要让它发光,照亮别人,特别是善良的人们。