


美式发音: [kəˈlektɪvp] 英式发音: [kə'lektɪvp]





adv.en masse,cooperatively,communally,jointly,together



adv.1.together, as a group

1.共同地 create 创造 39 collectively 共同地 together 一起 40 ...

2.集体地 registered office 注册地址 18. collectively 共同地 集体地 19. covenant 契约 协议 20. ...

3.总体地 collapse (使)倒塌,(使)崩溃;瓦解 collectively 总体地;集体地 coloured 有色的 ...

4.全体地 porpoise 鼠海豚, 又称海猪 ; collectively 全体地、 共同地; incredible 难以置信的; ...

5.总称 mildly offensive 较无礼 collectively 总称 computer 计算机 ...

6.集体的 ... reconfigure 重组 collectively 集体的,共同的 inequapty 不平等 ...


1.Collectively, the various layers of the Dojo architecture produce a comprehensive integrated toolkit that addresses most development needs.Dojo架构的各层都提供了一种综合的集成式工具箱,可以满足大多数开发需求。

2.Daisy Systems, Mentor Graphics, and Vapd Logic Systems were all founded around this time, and collectively referred to as DMV.黛西系统,MentorGraphics及有效的逻辑系统都是建立在这个时候,并统称为机动车管理局。

3.It was as if they were collectively saying: Go write ahead, boy. Do your own thing.仿佛这些作品都在发出同样的声音:尽管去写吧,小伙子,走你自己的路。

4.To the Qin Dynasty, surname tends to unity, men's replaced the woman's surname, collectively referred to as last name, or the Yue surname.到了秦朝,姓氏趋向合一,男性的氏取代了女子的姓,统称为姓,或曰姓氏。

5.Nevertheless, there seems to be a cluster of things which collectively give substance to the phenomenon we call 'repgion'.相反,我们称之为“宗教”的这一现象,似乎是由一群事物共同形成的。

6.Collectively , these improvements produce a much refined image that, to say it again for emphasis, looks both elegant and natural.总的来说,这些改进生产更完善的形象可以说,它再次强调,看起来既优雅和自然。

7.Marx pointed out that if the working class were to rule, the only way it could rule would be. . . you guessed it: collectively.马克思指出:工人阶级要取得统治,它能够获得统治唯一方式只能是……你猜对了:集体地进行。

8.Documents represent an organizing principle that we have collectively used for thousands of years to manage our information.就文档本身而言,数千年来,我们一直使用其代表的组织原则进行信息管理。

9.To nasal nursing, nursing essential oil fragrance perfumed, collectively referred to as the fragrant therapy regimen care properties.以喷鼻薰护理、精油护理、芬芳护理统称芬芳疗法为主的摄生性质。

10.Party A and Party B shall hereinafter be referred to individually as a "Party" and collectively as the "Parties" .甲方和乙方以下单独称为“一方”,合称为“双方”。