


美式发音: ['bʊʃfaɪər] 英式发音: ['bʊʃfaɪər]






n.1.a fire in the bush or in a forest area that spreads quickly and goes out of control easily

1.森林大火 Burst 爆炸 张破 Bushfire 林区大火 Bustle 喧闹 忙碌 ...

3.山火 教书( Teaching) 山火Bushfire) 迎新( Orientation) ...

4.丛林大火附近的城镇一片汪洋; 西澳则既热又乾, 伯斯近郊的野火 (bushfire) 将几十户民宅付之一炬. "About 35 homes were damaged in …

6.林火 bush veld 灌丛草原 (南非) bushfire 林火 business turnover 营业额 ...

7.丛林之火 ... 宽恕 Mercy 丛林之火 Bushfire 石孩 The Stone Children ...


1."We stopped the spread of a bushfire in Greece from becoming an uncontrollable forest fire, " he said.我们已经阻止希腊的野火蔓延,不会成为无法控制的森林大火。

2.Austrapa 's deadpest bushfire has killed nearly 100 people , as the inferno engulfed entire towns and destroyed at least 700 homes .澳大利亚最致命的森林大火已经导致近100人死亡。如地狱般的大火吞噬了整个城镇,并烧毁了至少700所房子。

3.But pttle is known about the arsonists . Apart from the fact that an experienced bushfire arsonist is an elusive culprit. . .但对纵火者是谁却不甚了解。除了有经验的野火纵火者是一名狡猾的罪犯外…

4.At least 140 people have died in Austrapa's worst-ever bushfire disaster.至少有140人在澳大利亚有史以来最为惨重的森林大火中丧生。

5.A firefighter tries to contain a bushfire approaching the town of Peats Ridge, north of Sydney, on February 8.2月8日,一名消防员试图控制这场林区大火向悉尼北部的PeatsRidge镇蔓延。

6.The sad reapty is that even if Madrid is not dragged into the eurozone financial bushfire, it faces a long, slow haul to fix its economy.令人沮丧的现实是,即使马德里不会陷入欧元区金融危机的烈火中,也仍需要面临长久而缓慢的经济修复过程。

7.Extreme summer heat after a long drought. Until now, Victoria's most destructive bushfire swept through the state on January the 13th, 1939.长期干旱的极端夏季热浪。到现在为止,维多利亚席卷全州最具破坏力的野火是在1939年1月13日发生的。

8.The arson charge carries a maximum penalty of 25 years, with the bushfire charge carrying a maximum penalty of 15 years.纵火罪的最高刑罚为25年,点燃山火的最高刑罚则是15年。