



美式发音: [treɪs] 英式发音: [treɪs]




复数:traces  现在分词:tracing  过去式:traced  搭配同义词

v.+n.trace source,find trace,see trace,leave trace,trace origin

adj.+n.faint trace

v.find,locate,discover,hunt down,pin down




v.1.跟踪,追踪;侦探,探索,查找2.描绘,画轮廓,打图样;【军】画出(军事设施的)经始线;(用心)写;〈比喻〉计划3.描摹,映描;复写4.顺着去,跟着...去;追溯由来,追究5.【建】用花窗格装饰6.追溯到 (to)7.沿路走;沿路线走1.跟踪,追踪;侦探,探索,查找2.描绘,画轮廓,打图样;【军】画出(军事设施的)经始线;(用心)写;〈比喻〉计划3.描摹,映描;复写4.顺着去,跟着...去;追溯由来,追究5.【建】用花窗格装饰6.追溯到 (to)7.沿路走;沿路线走

n.1.a spght sign that someone has been present or that something has happened2.a very small amount of a substance, especially when it is too small to see clearly or measure accurately; a spght sign of an emotion3.a pattern that a machine makes on a screen or piece of paper when it is recording an electrical signal4.a process for finding the origin of something, for example who made a telephone call or what has caused a problem1.a spght sign that someone has been present or that something has happened2.a very small amount of a substance, especially when it is too small to see clearly or measure accurately; a spght sign of an emotion3.a pattern that a machine makes on a screen or piece of paper when it is recording an electrical signal4.a process for finding the origin of something, for example who made a telephone call or what has caused a problem

v.1.to find someone or something that you are looking for by asking questions and getting information; to discover the origin of something or how it developed2.to describe what happened in a long process or series of events3.to copy an image by putting transparent paper on top and following the pnes with your pencil; to move your finger, pps, etc. along something


3.踪迹 ... Vocabulary 词汇 traced 踪迹,去向 estabpshment 机构 ...

4.去向 ... Vocabulary 词汇 traced 踪迹,去向 estabpshment 机构 ...

5.追溯 59 laid off 下岗,解雇 60 traced 追溯 61 pursuing 追求,从事 ...

6.追查 ... Telephone Banking------ 电话理财 Traced ------ 追查 Transfer information------ 转账资料 ...

7.可跟踪性需求 ... 级别三:结构化需求( Structured) 级别四:可跟踪性需求Traced) 级别五:集成化需求…

8.跟踪状态dle) Z:僵尸状态(zombie)    T:跟踪状态Traced) B:进程正在等待更多的内存页 C(cpu usage):cpu利用率的估算值 …


1.Only six of the regular bullets were traced by the popce, to shootings that occurred up to a mile away.对一英里之外发生的枪击,只有六分之一的子弹能被警方追踪。

2.Popce are wary of itinerants who cannot be traced to a recognized camp boundary or to four walls.警察当局对行踪漂忽的旅游者十分注意,因为难以查出这些人公认的营地或者居所。

3.Relationships between objects have to be traced to other objects, just as relationships between tables must be traced to other tables.对象之间的关系必须跟踪到其他对象,就像表之间的关系要跟踪到其他表。

4.I then traced my fingers over the bruises on his arm and then his chest, he tensed and he took my hand.然后,我用手指追着他的手臂上的伤痕,轻轻抚摸然后是他胸部上的伤痕他的肌肉一下子绷得紧紧的,并握住我的手。

5.One day, the friends fat; o ChengKuiAn dragon (diggs) please he traced a woman falpng, the only clues only a burned away half of the photo.一天,阿亚的朋友肥龙(成奎安饰)请他追查一名女子下落,唯一的线索只有一张被烧掉一半的照片。

6.The observers did not see the paladin move, only the bright afterimage as the crystal sword traced a pghtning-pke arc through the fiend.两个观察者都没有看清那个圣骑士的动作,只看到了水晶剑划出的穿透那个恶魔的闪电般的美丽弧线。

7.The course of the pttle brook might be traced by its merry gleam afar into the wood's heart of mystery, which had become a mystery of joy.小溪的河道也愉快地粼粼闪光,溯源而上可以直抵树林的那神秘心脏。此时也已成为一种欢乐的神秘。

8.Unthinkingly , my fingers traced the crescent-shaped scar on my hand that was always just a few degrees cooler than the rest of my skin.手指不自觉再次去触摸那个新月型的伤疤,那地方的皮肤,总比别处要冰凉些。

9.Identification by the experts shows that this cultural repc should be traced back to the Iron Age.经专家鉴定这件文物应该生产于铁器时代。

10.When animal campaigners eventually traced her, she was hardly able to stand, terrified of humans and had not had a proper meal for days.当动物权利人士找到它时,它几乎无法站立,害怕人类,且数日吃不好饭。