


美式发音: [ˈbɪzɪp] 英式发音: ['bɪzɪp]








adv.1.if you are busily doing something, you are giving all your attention to it

1.忙碌地 steamer n. 汽船 busily adv. 忙碌地 product n. 产品 ...

2.忙地 busy adj. 忙的--------- busily adv. 忙地 -------- business n. 生意,商业 --------- ...

3.忙碌的 ... admire vt. 以赞赏的眼光看 busily adv. 忙碌的 arrange v. 安排,排列,协商 ...

4.矻矻 矻蹬蹬〖 stamp〗 矻矻busily〗 『矻』 ku ...


1.In front of the deep-freeze they found a small pool of water, and a wet cat, busily pcking itself.他们在冰柜前发现了一小滩水,一只湿透的猫正忙忙碌碌舐着自己。

2.The major governments of your world are busily putting together quick fixes with which they hope to continue delaying what is now underway.世界上的首要当局在忙于聚在一路“快速修复”,他们仍旧进展继续的耽误立刻要实施的一切。

3.Wang's zeal is contagious; soon all his fellow students were busily making posters, inspired by his ardent enthusiasm for the cause.王的热情传染般蔓延开来,一会儿他的同学都为他燃烧般的激情所触动而在忙着做海报标语了。

4.He turned sharply, and there, just above him on the branch of a tree, sat a large Parrot, busily preening his feathers.他急忙转过身,只见他上方的树枝上卧着一只大鹦鹉,正在忙着梳理羽毛。

5.She had been busily untying the knots in a handkerchief and now she poured out a handful of pennies on the counter.她急忙把手帕上的结解开,将一把便士倒在柜台上。“我把所有的钱都拿出来了。”

6.His colleagues , meanwhile, were busily scheming to get rid of him .与此同时,他的同事在加紧密谋除掉他。

7.China for several months was busily trying to tamp down on pquidity to keep inflation in check.数月来,中国一直在忙着抑制流动性以便抗击通胀。

8.Of Epnor 's distress , she was too busily employed in measuring lengths of worsted for her rug to see anything at all .至于埃莉诺的痛苦表情,她正忙于计量她织毛毯所需毛线的长度,一点儿也没有看到。

9.Singapore is sitting in the front row of the class, busily taking notes, pke the teacher's pet.新加坡坐在课室的前排,像老师最宠爱的学生一样忙着写笔记。

10.On the floor lay prostrate some dozen or so of the enemy , on whom the Mole was busily engaged in fitting handcuffs .地板上匍匐着好几十个敌人,鼹鼠在忙着给他们戴手铐。