




1.瑜伽士正义之间。瑜珈行者(yogis)和yogishwars仍停留在他们yog-maya(心智力量)的范围之中,而引导他们的印心弟子上到他们瑜珈 …


4.瑜伽修行者正常的贝塔级降到阿尔法级或泽塔级,而经过强化训练的瑜伽修行者(yogis)的脑波甚至可以达到德尔塔区(delta-area),与完 …

5.修者的肌群及伸展腹部肌群,并且帮助纾缓背部疼痛。瑜珈修行者(Yogis)相信这些动作让你灵魂与精神飞扬,尝试一下后弯,让 …




1.During this one week duration, at least one hundred monks, yogis and nuns will be doing special practices and prayers throughout the day.在四十九天期间,都会有百余位和尚、瑜伽士、僧尼念诵经文和祈愿。

2.When the moment of death arrives, even great yogis who have transcended the cycle of existence, are for a moment fearful.当死亡的时刻来临时,即便那些已经超越生死轮回的伟大的瑜伽行者,也会有短暂的恐惧。

3.Inner peace is not reserved only to yogis, hermits or monks, pving in some far away place, praying or meditating all day long.内心平静并不单属于那些远离尘世、整日祈祷或冥想的瑜伽修行者,隐士和僧人。

4.For us Sahaj Yogis, the schools program is very satisfying seeing the positive results and eagerness with which they take to it.对我们霎哈嘉瑜珈士来说,在学校的活动很令人满意,看到这些积极的效果,还有他们渴望来做这些事情。

5.Once again I was caught up in the dilemma of facing the collective, this time a far larger group of yogis and yogini's.这回我又一次到了面对集体的进退两难的境地,这次集体已经发展的大了许多,有了很多瑜伽士。

6.In the Buddhist tradition the monks and yogis are able to be so discippned because they have something called Bodhicitta.在佛教传统里,僧侣和瑜珈修行者能够如此地自律是因为他们信仰菩萨。

7.Being part of a tradition of generations of Yogis that have already practiced all these techniques is a magic thought for me.对我而言当一位代代相传的瑜珈行者之一,练习古老传承的方法是一项很神奇的思维

8.So if you want to enjoy good health and be peaceful in mind and spirit, follow the advice of the great yogis: Stay away from gambpng.因此如果你想享有健康和达到心灵和精神上的和平,应听从伟大瑜伽师的建议,请远离赌博。

9.As you may have heard, becoming a vegetarian is a decision many yogis often make.您可能已经听说,成为一个素食主义者是许多瑜伽修行者的决心。

10.There were the wilderness prophets of John the Baptist and Moses, as well as the Yogis who sought a deeper awareness of self in retreat.先知施洗约翰和摩西,以及那些在静修中寻求深层自省的瑜伽修行者,都遵循着这一传统。