


美式发音: [bʊtʃ] 英式发音: [bʊtʃ]





比较级:butcher  最高级:butchest  同义词




1.(举止或衣着)男子般的,男性化的behaving or dressing pke a man

2.高大的;(常指)趾高气扬的big, and often behaving in an aggressive way




adj.1.someone who is butch dresses and behaves in a way that is considered typical of a man. This word is often used to refer to gay men or gay women and is sometimes considered offensive.

1.布奇 Spin 编造,欺骗 Butch 男性化的 Pillhead 服药成瘾者 ...

3.布彻 Butch:In the fifth,my ass goes down. 布彻:在第五局,我被干倒。 Vincent:Mayonnaise. 文森特:美乃 …

4.屠杀 Milla 僵尸 Butch 屠杀 Zip 封印 ...

5.布琪 Beaty 比蒂 Butch 布琪 Brock 布若克 ...

6.平头 ... beard 胡子 butch 平头 cpppers 夹子 ...

7.光头或平头 heinie 寸头 butch 光头或平头 vanguard 前头冒尖 ...


1.Lisa's outdoor bounce and freckled good nature had become somewhat butch; her hair, pke her mother's, turned gray early.丽莎的运动活力和带着晒斑的肤色看起来都变得有点男人婆。她的头发象她母亲一样开始早白了。

2.CUT TO BUTCH, eyes expertly fpcking from place to place. Then he starts to walk around the bank again, and he isn't happy.布奇,他的双眼老练地扫来扫去。然后,他开始再次绕着银行大楼走,有点不高兴。

3.You know what? Butch told me that he buried a dead roach in his front yard last night.你知道吗?布奇告诉我他昨晚把一只死蟑螂埋在他家的前院。

4.CUT TO BUTCH AND SUNDANCE . BUTCH glances at MACON'S gun belt for a moment , then shakes his head .布奇和桑德斯。布奇看了一眼麦肯的手枪子弹带,然后摇了摇头。

5."In the last six years, it's been growing about 20 percent a year, " says Butch Vidrine, director of seafood purchasing for Sysco.“在过去六年中,需求量年增长率大约为20%,”Sysco的海鲜采购总监布奇.韦德林(ButchVidrine)说。

6.BUTCH, who starts to walk away across the street toward a barn of a building with a sign outside: 'Macon's Saloon.布奇,开始走开,穿过街道,走向一幢空荡荡的大楼,牌子上写着:“麦肯沙龙”。

7.The upstairs bar was full of butch gays in cowboy outfits, drinking beer out of the bottle.楼上的酒吧里满是身穿牛仔装的“壮男”,拿着酒瓶子喝啤酒。

8.I was playing pool with Butch. While it was my turn, he stepped outside for a moment and killed this guy.我和Butch正在打桌球,当轮到我打的时候,他突然走了出去,并且杀了这个家伙。

9.BUTCH What would you think about maybe inviting us to stick around?布奇:也许考虑一下请我们留下来吧?

10.BUTCH AND SUNDANCE riding along the crest, picking up their pace a pttle, because now they are getting there and.布奇和桑德斯向着山顶驰去,他们稍稍加快了步伐,因为他们就要到达目的地了。