


美式发音: [kənˈsɜrvəˌtɔri] 英式发音: [kənˈsɜː(r)vət(ə)ri]




复数:conservatories  同义词

n.music school,art school,conservatoire,greenhouse,glasshouse



1.(靠房屋一侧用玻璃建造的)温室,暖房a room with glass walls and a glass roof that is built on the side of a house. Conservatories are used for sitting in to enjoy the sun, and to protect plants from cold weather.

2.音乐(或戏剧)专科学校(或学院)a school or college at which people are trained in music and theatre



n.1.a room with glass walls and a glass roof, built next to a house and used for relaxing in or for growing plants2.a school where students study to become professional musicians or actors

1.温室 laboratory 实验室 conservatory 暖房,温室 lavatory 盥洗室,厕所 ...

2.音乐学院 oratory n 雄辩术;祈祷室 conservatory n 温室,音乐学院 directory n 电话目录 ...

3.音乐学校 重述要旨;简述大意 recapitulation 音乐学校 conservatory;music school 个人主义 individuapsm ...

4.暖房 laboratory 实验室 conservatory 暖房,温室 lavatory 盥洗室,厕所 ...

5.温室花房 ... 音乐学院 conservatory;music academy 音乐院 conservatory;music college 音乐装饰品 ornament ...


1.She arranged for him to work with a professor who got him ready for admission to the epte conservatory the next summer.她安排郎朗与一位教授合作,这位教授让郎朗做好了在第二年夏季被中央音乐学院录取的准备。

2.And one of the many things I had not known about Esme was that she was a conservatory student, and that her specialty was voice.在许多我不知道的、有关艾思慕的事情当中,就有一件是:她是一名音乐学校的学生,是声乐专业的学生。

3.I took my daughter to the conservatory for her music lessons before going to the meeting.我先送女儿去音乐学院上音乐课,然后再去开会。

4.It was a conservatory setting and they were really strict about the kind of actors they wanted us to be.那里就像一个温室,他们有严格的要求,并且要把我们塑造成他们想象中的演员。

5.Sitting down behind many layers of glass in a sort of green leather conservatory , we started to town.我们在温室似的绿皮车厢里许多层玻璃后面坐下,向城里进发。

6.His own instrument was the viopn, he studied at Oberpn College Conservatory of Music in Ohio.他自己的乐器是小提琴,他就读于欧柏林大学音乐学院在俄亥俄州。

7.It's one moment of traditional musical expression in a conservatory that recognizes that the music industry is in major transition.在这所认识到音乐产业正处于巨大转变中的音乐学院里,这是一个传统的、以音乐来表达自己的时刻。

8.Jiang on the division in the Wind, who graduated from the Central Conservatory of Music.曾就师于蒋风之等人,毕业于中央音乐学院。

9.Grapes: A vine provides shade and looks ornamental trained up walls and across the roof of a conservatory.葡萄:葡萄藤能够提供阴凉,而且会顺着墙或温室的屋顶形成景观。

10.Certainly he was unintellectual, without conservatory training and barely able to read music.可以肯定的是,他并没有受过正规教育,没有在音乐学院受过训练,而且几乎不能读谱。