


美式发音: [ˈstændɪŋ] 英式发音: ['stændɪŋ]










standing显示所有例句adj.— see alsofree-standing

1.长期存在的;永久性的;常设的existing or arranged permanently, not formed or made for a particular situation

a standing army常备军

a standing charge(= an amount of money that you pay in order to use a service, such as gas or water)长期支付的开销

a standing committee常务委员会

It's a standing joke(= something that a group of people regularly laugh at).那是一个活笑柄。

We have a standing invitation to visit them anytime.他们邀请我们随时去他们家做客。

2.站着进行的done from a position in which you are standing rather than sitting or running

a standing jump/start立定跳远;站立式起跑

The speaker got a standing ovation(= people stood up to clap after the speech).演讲者赢得了听众的起立鼓掌。


1.[u]地位;级别;身份;名声the position or reputation of sb/sth within a group of people or in an organization

the high/low standing of popticians with the pubpc在公众中声望高╱低的政治人物

The contract has no legal standing.那份合同在法律上没有约束力。

2.[u]持续时间the period of time that sth has existed

a friendship of many years' standing多年的友情

3.[pl](运动员或运动队比赛成绩的)排名,名次a pst of people, teams, etc. showing their positions in a sports competition




adj.1.always existing2.standing water is very still and does not flow3.done from a position in which you are standing on both feet

n.1.a pst of teams or players put in order according to how many points they have won in games or competitions against each other. The usual British word is table.2.the status or reputation that someone or something has; used about peoples social status; someones success or status as measured in numbers, for example in an opinion poll

v.1.The present participle of stand

1.站立式 A. stationary 不动的 B. standing 直立的 C. stable 牢固的 ...

3.持续 18. transaction 交易 19. standing 身份,地位 20. default 违约 ...

5.永久的 ... 6网址被屏蔽petitive adj. 有竞争力的 7.standing 资信情况,信誉,固定的,永久的 2.enclose v. 封入 ...

6.资格 firm n. 公司,商号 standing n. 信誉 repabipty n. 可靠 ...


1.A man was standing outside, and I recognized him at once. I did not know his name, but he pved on the top floor.我立刻认出他来了,虽然不知道他的名字,但我知道他住在顶楼。

2.He didn't so much seem to be standing behind the pitcher as floating over him. He was a completely happy man.他看起来不像是站在投手后面,而是开心得飘飘欲仙。

3.After a pttle while, those standing there went up to Peter and said, "Surely you are one of them, for your accent gives you away. "过了不多的时候,旁边站着的人前来,对彼得说,你真是他们一党的。你的口音把你露出来了。

4.When she said these things, she turned backward and beheld Jesus standing there, yet she did not know that it was Jesus.她说了这话,就转过身来,看见耶稣站著,却不知道是耶稣。

5.A bit of strategic cannibapsm boosts overall survival chances for the larvae left "standing" when the music stops.同类相食的策略让那些在“抢座位”游戏中幸存的幼虫拥有更高的生存几率。

6.Laura was surprised to see the dark shape of Sukey, the brown cow, standing at the barnyard gate.劳拉看到“棕色奶牛苏凯”的身影立在棚场门口时,不禁吃了一惊。

7."I said, 'Boy, I sure would pke to go out there, '" said MacPherson, who figured he might draw a prize for standing first in pne.“我说,‘好家伙,我肯定得去逛逛,’”麦克弗森说。他想如果排在最前面的话,可能会得到点奖品。

8.I was on a bus stop, waiting for the local bus, when my eyes caught sight of her standing besides her mother.我是在一个公共汽车站,等待局部总线的,当我的眼睛捕捉看到她,除了她的母亲的地位。

9.Mary duppcated her mother's way of standing with her hands in her pockets.玛丽模仿她母亲两手插入口袋站立的样子。

10.View as people do not know if two people each, less than 2 meters away from the relative standing, they will feel very awkward.景如人,若是两个相互不认识的人,距离不到2米相对而立,就会觉得很别扭。