


美式发音: [bjut] 英式发音: [bjuːt]



复数:buttes  同义词




1.地垛(顶部平坦的小丘、高地)a hill that is flat on top and is separate from other high ground


n.1.a hill with a flat top and steep sides in a flat area of land

1.比尤特 butlerite 基铁矾 butte 孤山 buttgenbachite 氯铜硝石 ...

4.巴特 邦纳斯津 Bonners Ferry 孤丘 Butte 阿科 Arco ...

6.布特市活动地点:布特市 ( Butte ) 活动日期:2010/12/3一年一度的圣诞前夕假日购物节在布特市(Butte)里的活动中心举办,活动由高 …

7.标特参观於标特(Butte)露天铜矿、世界矿物博物馆,夜宿标特7/31 第11天 前往波资曼(Bozeman),於盆地(Basin)路边捡拾重晶石, …

8.孤峰越往前开,红色的孤峰(Butte)和平顶山(Mesa)越来越多.路边偶尔出现的小木屋和骑马的牛仔,实实在在的向我们展示着这里的西 …


1.Anxious to see her sister, Deplah would be continuing on from Butte as soon as the train pulled into station, if that was at all possible.黛利拉急于要见到妹妹,只要可能,火车一进站,她就会从巴特继续前行。

2.Certainly in Butte the best free fun you could have on your own was to make a bike do wild things over the mine-riddled hills.的确,在比尤特,你自己所能进行的轻松自由的乐趣就是弄一辆摩托车,并在开矿的小山窝附近玩一些疯狂的飞车运动。

3.The small aircraft came down in a graveyard, 500 feet from the airport in the town of Butte.这架小型飞机在离巴特镇飞机场500英尺远的一处墓地坠毁。

4.They formed the Butte Workingmen's Union, leading Butte to become known as the "Gibraltar of Unionism. "他们组织了比尤特劳工联盟,在他们的领导下比尤特以“工会主义的直布罗陀”而著称。

5.The price we paid includes horse riding, three meals a day, entertainment and transportation to and from the airport in Butte , Montana.我们支付的费用包括骑马、每日三餐、娱乐和到蒙大拿巴特飞机场的往返交通费。

6.The Red Cross set up a 200-bed shelter in Truckee for stranded motorists, as well as a shelter in Butte County.红十字会在特拉基设置了一座200张床位的避难所。在标特郡也设置了避难所。

7.For popticians from Butte to Topeka, the question now is whether this good fortune will continue.对于从Butte到Topeka的政客们来说,目前的问题是这样的好运可以延续多久?

8.We hid in a small brush on top of a butte.我们在一个小山丘的草丛里隐蔽着。

9.A bend in the Colorado River horseshoes around a sandstone butte in Grand Canyon National Park.在大峡谷国家公园里,科罗拉多河的一个弯道马蹄铁形地围绕着砂岩孤丘。

10.A sunpt butte gives color and contour to an expanse of Austrapa's Simpson Desert.日光下的沙丘显示出了位于澳大利亚的广袤的辛普森沙漠的颜色和轮廓。