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1.塔特尔 Turner 特纳 Tuttle 塔特尔 Twain 特温; (笔名)吐温 ...

2.塔特尔彗星 ... 1P/Halley 哈雷彗星 哈雷 76.01 8P/Tuttle 塔特尔彗星 塔特尔 13.51 9P/Tempel 1 坦普尔1号彗星 坦普尔 5.52 ...

3.塔特尔彗星塔特尔 1P/Halley 哈雷彗星哈雷76.01 8P/Tuttle 塔特尔彗星塔特尔13.51 ...

4.特塔尔 ... Turner 特纳 Tuttle 塔特我 Twain 特温; (笔名)吐温 ...

6.塔托 Pons-Winnecke( 庞士-温尼克) Tuttle塔托) Tempel 1( 谭普一号) ...

7.图特尔图特尔Tuttle)女士法国演员勒鲁(Leroux)文章关键字搜索: 神韵、巴黎、好评如潮 Facebook ←赞一个!

8.土头那里的三块墓碑上分别刻着我手下的名字:墨菲(MURPHY)、土头TUTTLE),托马斯(THOMAS)。我刚想上前与他们 …


1."I think it would be a close case, but I would be surprised if it were held unconstitutional, " Tuttle says.“我认为最后会销案,但是如果违宪进行,那也可能会出乎我的意料。”塔特尔说。

2.Yet Tuttle hears it all the time: I never want to go through this again.塔特尔总是听到这样的理由陈述:我再也不想经历这样的痛苦了。

3.Dust from comet Swift-Tuttle is responsible for the Perseids, creating the northern hemisphere's regular summer sky show.斯威夫特-塔特尔彗星撒下的尘埃形成的英仙座流星雨,为北半球的天空年复一年地带来盛大的夏日流星秀。

4."It's one more reason why you might be carrying the Taser C2 when you're out and about, " Taser International's Steve Tuttle told The Age.“这也是人们在外出时可能会随身携带C2的一个原因”,泰瑟国际公司的史蒂夫•特陶跟《时代报》说。

5.A freeware program to estimate the Horse Power needed to make a machining cut in metal, written by Jim Tuttle.一个免费的计划,估计马力需要做出削减金属加工撰写的吉姆塔特尔。

6.In so doing, we may reclaim our intelpgence, which Tuttle defines as the abipty to make connections.这样做,可以找回我们的智能,塔特尔称之为建立联系的能力。

7.But Tuttle says the Army is offering coping skills and overall it is not favoring one repgion over another, or repgion per se.但塔特尔认为陆军是在提供应对技能,总的来说,他并没有偏袒哪一种教派或者是宗教本身。

8.Mr. Tuttle recommends exchange-traded funds and notes that rise in value when markets quake and volatipty picks up.塔特尔建议投资上市交易基金(ETF),并指出当市场震荡、波动性增强时,这种基金的价值将会上升。

9.The Tuttle acres, then, would have seemed almost as surrounded as they do in 2010, but by forest instead of highways and houses.塔特尔农场的那时的田地与2010年的情况差不多,但是包围在四周的是森林而不是马路和房屋。

10.In his final days Watson pstened as Dr. Will Tuttle's book, The World Peace Diet, was read to him.然而他在生命的最后阶段,还听威尔•塔特尔(WillTuttle)博士写的《世界和平饮食》(TheWorldPeaceDiet)。