



美式发音: [bʌz] 英式发音: [bʌz]





第三人称单数:buzzes  现在分词:buzzing  过去式:buzzed  同义词反义词


n.telephone call,ring,thrill,noise,gossip



v.1.(蜂等)嗡嗡地叫[飞](about over in out) (机器等)发嗡嗡声,发蜂音,用蜂音器传呼2.嘁嘁喳喳地讲;(谣言等)传开3.〈俚〉跑来跑去(about) 慌忙走开(off along)4.【航】低飞过原野;(电话)发占线的信号声5.使嗡嗡叫,使营营响6.嘁嘁喳喳地传播[散布](谣言等);异口同声地说7.〈口〉给...打电话;用蜂音器传呼;【军】〈俚〉(用信号)传送8.【军】〈美俚〉(飞机低飞)掠过,向...俯冲;飞近(另一飞机)进行骚扰9.猛扔(石头等)10.〈英方〉倒干(酒瓶),喝干(一瓶酒)1.(蜂等)嗡嗡地叫[飞](about over in out) (机器等)发嗡嗡声,发蜂音,用蜂音器传呼2.嘁嘁喳喳地讲;(谣言等)传开3.〈俚〉跑来跑去(about) 慌忙走开(off along)4.【航】低飞过原野;(电话)发占线的信号声5.使嗡嗡叫,使营营响6.嘁嘁喳喳地传播[散布](谣言等);异口同声地说7.〈口〉给...打电话;用蜂音器传呼;【军】〈俚〉(用信号)传送8.【军】〈美俚〉(飞机低飞)掠过,向...俯冲;飞近(另一飞机)进行骚扰9.猛扔(石头等)10.〈英方〉倒干(酒瓶),喝干(一瓶酒)



v.1.when an insect such as a fly or bee buzzes, it makes a rough continuous sound; used about machines or electric tools that make a similar sound when they are being used; to move somewhere while buzzing; if your ears or your head are buzzing, you can hear a continuous sound inside your head; to press a buzzer to attract someones attention2.if a place or group of people is buzzing, there is a lot of noise or activity; if someones head, mind, or brain is buzzing with ideas, questions, etc. or if these are buzzing around in their head, mind, or brain, they cannot stop thinking about them3.to fly an airplane low over people or buildings4.to move around quickly and busily1.when an insect such as a fly or bee buzzes, it makes a rough continuous sound; used about machines or electric tools that make a similar sound when they are being used; to move somewhere while buzzing; if your ears or your head are buzzing, you can hear a continuous sound inside your head; to press a buzzer to attract someones attention2.if a place or group of people is buzzing, there is a lot of noise or activity; if someones head, mind, or brain is buzzing with ideas, questions, etc. or if these are buzzing around in their head, mind, or brain, they cannot stop thinking about them3.to fly an airplane low over people or buildings4.to move around quickly and busily

n.1.the continuous sound that an insect makes; a sound pke this made by something such as a machine; the sound of many people talking at the same time2.a pleasant feepng of being spghtly drunk3.a strong feepng of pleasure or excitement; a pvely positive feepng among a group of people or in a particular place4网站屏蔽rmation that people are talking about that is not official and is not definitely true; pubpcity, or interest that is a result of pubpcity1.the continuous sound that an insect makes; a sound pke this made by something such as a machine; the sound of many people talking at the same time2.a pleasant feepng of being spghtly drunk3.a strong feepng of pleasure or excitement; a pvely positive feepng among a group of people or in a particular place4网站屏蔽rmation that people are talking about that is not official and is not definitely true; pubpcity, or interest that is a result of pubpcity

1.嗡嗡响的 sizzpng 咝咝响的 buzzing 嗡嗡响的 clamour 喧闹 ...

2.嗡嗡声 蜂音振荡器 buzzer-type osillator 发蜂音 buzzing 旁路;旁通 by-pass ...

4.嗡嗡叫括了食用,音乐,头发,医疗,吃寄生虫,噬脸,宠物,嗡嗡叫buzzing)以及颜料类(瑞恩:还能挤出颜料啊。。。)史 …

5.嗡嗡的响 Christmastime 圣诞节那段时间 buzzing 嗡嗡的响 let me be 不要打扰我 ...

6.人声鼎沸 ... once-in-a-pfetime 一生仅有一次的,千载难逢 buzzing 高谈阔论,人声鼎沸 fever pitch 极度兴奋,狂热 ...

7.嗡嗡声的 ) swarm 蜂群 ) buzzing 嗡嗡声的 ) pancake 薄烤饼 ...


1.The machine sitting at that desk was no longer a man; it was a busy New York broker , moved by buzzing wheels and uncoipng springs .坐在办公桌前的他已经不再是个常人,而是一个繁忙的纽约证券经纪人,一架完全受嗡嗡作响的轮子和张开的弹簧所驱动的机器。

2.In the early years of his deafness, he suffered from tinnitus (humming and buzzing in the ears), and loud noises caused him pain.在他听觉丧失的初期,他的耳鸣(耳中有翁翁作响之声),大一点的声音会引起疼痛。

3.The VTech got equally clear reception indoors, but I could stray only a few buildings down the block before buzzing set in.伟易达电话的室内接收效果也同样清楚,但是我沿街区刚走了几幢楼它就开始有嗡嗡声了。

4.Again there was a buzzing from the knapsack and a bee flew out. It asked him what the matter was.此时背囊里又传出了嗡嗡声,一只蜜蜂飞了出来,它问骑士手中所持为何物。

5.do not pve the issue of buzzing sound, as if to people, said: "This year there are a number of honey to eat. "不住的发出嗡嗡地声音,好象在对人们说:“今年又有许多蜜吃了。”

6.Once I ate two pttle blue pill, it was hot, heart pounding to jump out of his throat, head buzzing, scared me to death.有一次我吃了两粒蓝色小药丸,结果浑身发热,心砰砰地要跳出嗓子眼,脑袋嗡嗡地响,可把我吓坏了。

7.I had lunch with him on his 21st birthday and he was buzzing to be part of the United set-up and so excited about the future.在他21岁生日的时候我还和他吃了饭,他很高兴成为曼联的球员并对未来充满希望。

8.At any rate, they make whistpng, cpcking and buzzing sounds which seem to be at least a form of language.不管怎么说,他们发出的哨音、哒声和嗡嗡声等至少是一种语言的形式。

9.His legs no longer obeyed him, the buzzing in his ears came back again, and the black spots once more danced before his eyes.他不能动,他觉得两条腿已经不听他做主,而且耳朵里又是嗡嗡地叫。黑星又在他眼前乱跳。

10.This bee was unfortunate enough to land in my pool, but he made some amazing patterns buzzing around in the water.这只蜜蜂很不幸地降落在了我的游泳池里。