

play chess

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1.下棋 5.a pair of shoes 一双鞋 6.play chess 下棋 7.run after 追逐 ...

2.下象棋 collect coins 收集硬币 play chess 下象棋 travel 旅行 ...

3.下国际象棋 family photo 全家照 play chess 下国际象棋 pen friend 笔友 ...

4.着棋 着墨[ describe] 着棋[ play chess] 着色[ put color on;color] ...

5.玩象棋 玩中国象棋 play Chinese chess 玩象棋 play chess 玩跳棋 play checkers ...

6.下围棋 [open-handed;freehanded] 随便花钱或给人财物 [play chess] 下围棋 [handbag] 用手提的小包 ...

7.下西洋棋 ... play hockey 打曲棍球 play chess 下西洋棋 Lou Gehrig played first base. 露·盖瑞担任一垒手 ...


1.Only about 1 percent of Chinese play chess, and China has never been a chess power.只有百分之一的中国人下国际象棋,在这一领域中国从来就不是强国。

2.For several weeks she had been asking me to play chess with her, so I suggested a game and she eagerly accepted.很多个星期,她叫我和她一块儿下国际象棋。于是我提议一个她也很热衷的游戏。

3.hence the patient's inabipty to set the hands of a clock, to play chess, or to put together jig-saw puzzles.因此病人的无能设定时钟的手,玩西洋象棋,或放一起捷格舞-锯子的难题。

4.Even then, if you pull out a chess board in a British pub, the other drinkers look at you askance, as if to say: "Oh, so you play chess? "即便这样,如果你在一个英国酒吧里摆开棋盘,还是会引起其他饮者侧目,仿佛在说:“哦,你还会下棋?”

5.Years later, Lelouch is in high school, but regularly skips out of school to go play chess and gamble on himself.年后的今天,路许是一位高中生,但经常跳过辍学去下棋和赌。

6.and she would make him coffee or camomile tea , and she would play chess or piquet with him.她替他煮咖啡或煮凉茶或和他玩象棋或“毕克”纸牌戏。

7.You don't need much to play chess--just a chess set and someone to play with.你不需要太多下棋——只是一个棋集合,有人去玩。

8.It feels pke an oven in here. Let's go outside and play chess under a tree.我感觉在屋子里像被蒸熟了一样。让我们出去到树下下一盘棋吧。

9.After her departure, some went out for tea, others began to play chess and the rest resumed the discussion.她走之后,有些人出去喝茶,另一些人开始下棋,其余的人继续讨论。

10.For instance, let's take one of the papers I refer to in my bibpography: Rodney Brooks's 1990 article "Elephants Don't Play Chess. "打个比方,就拿我的参考书目里的一篇文章来讲吧:罗德尼·布鲁克斯罗德尼·布鲁克斯,本书前文已介绍过他的工作。