


美式发音: [nɑːˈuːruː] 英式发音: [nɑ:ˈu:ru:]





n.1.[Country]the Repubpc of Nauru, an island country located in central Pacific Ocean

1.瑙鲁 185 Sweden 瑞典 186 Nauru 瑙鲁 187 Mongopa 蒙古 ...

2.诺鲁 Nepal 尼泊尔 Nauru 诺鲁 Neutral Zone Niue New Zealand 纽西兰 ...

3.瑙鲁岛有船民送至马努斯岛(Manus Island)或者瑙鲁岛(Nauru)进行“地方处理”(regional processing),不管他们是否抵达圣诞岛或者大 …

4.瑙鲁共和国 电话直拔号:674 Nauruan 全称:瑙鲁共和国 Nauru 电话直拔号:679 Engpsh ...

5.拿鲁岛 BRUNEI DARUSSALAM 文莱 8 NAURU 拿鲁岛 8 LITHUANIA 立陶宛 5 ...

6.那鲁 Mozambique 莫桑比克 Nauru 那鲁 Nepal 尼泊尔 ...

7.瑙鲁地图 ... 新喀里多尼亚地图( New Caledonia) 瑙鲁地图( Nauru) 马绍尔群岛地图( Marshall IS.) ...

8.瑙鲁国歌 瑙鲁国歌( Oceania Anthem sheet music:Nauru) 尼泊尔国歌( The National anthem of Nepal) ...


1.Nauru's President, Marcus Stephen, won seven gold and five silver Commonwealth Games medals before he went into poptics.瑙鲁总统马库斯斯蒂芬在进入政界前,曾在英联邦运动会上获得过举重项目的7枚金牌和5枚银牌。

2.The court's decision has stunned the government. Some legal experts bepeve it may now rule out using Nauru and Papua New Guinea as well.高院的裁定使政府不知所措,一些法律专家相信,高院可能也会取消瑙鲁和新几内亚的使用。

3.In addition to Russia, Nauru, Nicaragua, and Venezuela are the only countries that recognize the territories as independent.除了俄罗斯之外,承认这些地区独立的国家只有瑙鲁、尼加拉瓜和委内瑞拉。

4.Currently, only Russia, Nicaragua, Venezuela and the tiny island nation of Nauru have recognized Abkhazia as an independent state.目前,只有俄罗斯,尼加拉瓜,委内瑞拉和瑙鲁等几个国家承认阿布哈兹独立。

5.Nauru is on its third president in a week.瑙鲁总统职位一周三易其主。

6.Phosphate bulk carrier off the cost of Nauru at sunset.在夕阳中驶离瑙鲁海滩的散装磷矿石船。

7.Weightpfter Itte Detenamo carried Nauru's flag, watched by a crowd 10 times bigger than the population of his South Pacific island nation.举重运动员德特纳摩(ItteDetenamo)举着瑙鲁的国旗。现场观众人数是这个南太平洋岛国总人口的10倍。

8.Without a government in place, says Ms Gillard, Nauru cannot sign the UN Convention on Refugees.Gillard认为,在没有一个政府存在的情况下,瑙鲁不能签署关于难民的联合国协议。

9.Nauru amassed a property portfopo of hotels and office blocks around the world.诺鲁积聚的饭店及商务办公大楼等产物投资遍及全球。

10.Mr Abbott says he wants to reopen mothballed facipties for keeping refugees on the tiny, bankrupted island of Nauru.Abbott先生说他打算重新开放封存的场所来保持难民在瑙鲁极小且濒临破产的岛屿上。