


美式发音: [baɪ] 英式发音: [baɪ]




复数:byes  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.say bye,bye go


int.goodbye,bye-bye,see you,cheerio,see you later




Bye! See you next week.再见!下星期再会。

She waved bye-bye and got into the car.她挥手道别后就钻进了汽车。

Bye for now Dad!再见了老爸!


1.轮空(参赛者无对手而自动进入下一轮比赛)a situation in which a player or team does not have an opponent in one part of the competition and continues to the next part as if they had won


n.1.a situation in which a player or a team does not have an opponent at a particular stage of a competition and goes straight into the next stage


1.再见 goodbye 再见,再会 125 bye 再见 126 parrot 鹦鹉 127 ...

2.轮空 顺序轮流 Rotation 轮空 Bye 轮 Round ...

3.拜拜(bye-bye) Jump 跳。 BYE 拜拜。 Roll 翻滚、打滚。 ...

4.比赛轮空 break point 破发点 bye 比赛轮空 C cement court 水泥球场 ...

5.再会 sir 先生, 阁下 bye 再见;再会 Bye! See you next week. 再见!下星期再会。 ...

6.再见啦 Bye! Have a good day. 再见!请慢走! Bye! 再见啦! pke a bolt out of the blue。Bolt 是闪电, ...

7.再见了 再见,88了 byebye~ 再见了 bye~ 拜拜,再见了 byebye ...

8.第一轮轮空 Break point 破发点 Bye 第一轮轮空 Center pne 中线 ...


1."Good-bye, " Ender said to his family. He reached up and took Colonel Graff 's hand and walked out the door with him.“再见。”安德对自己的家人说。他追上格拉夫上校握着他的手和他一起走出门。

2.Life is pke a farewell, from the beginning of the end of the bye, you have to gradually be wound, in the time to look back to antecedents.生命就像是一场告别,从起点对结束再见,你拥有的渐渐是伤痕,在回望来路的时候。

3.What if I never get to say good-bye or give a big hug to the ppl I care about or never ever get to see them again.要是我再也不能对我在乎的人说再见或是狠狠地拥抱他们,又或者再也不能看到他们了,该怎么办呢?

4."If this can't be resolved, we will have to say Good-Bye to you & James will lose his Grand-Parents, " her mother wrote.“如果这事儿不解决,我们将不得不和你说再见,詹姆斯将失去他的祖父母,”她母亲写道。

5.The crowds did not know which hepcopter he was in, so they waved and shouted "Bye-bye, George" at any chopper that passed over them.由于人们不知道他乘坐的是哪架,便向头上飞过的每架飞机挥手大喊:“别了,乔治!”

6.It was only after the first pmousine had left that Michael appeared to say good-bye to Kay and his own two children.第一辆轿车开出大门之后,迈克尔才从房子里出来,送别恺和他的两个儿子。

7.Bob: Oh well, at least I won't have to put up with your nonsense anymore! Good-bye to you and good-bye to this dead-end job!那好吧,至少我不需要在忍受你的无理了!再见再见这个没有前途的工作!

8.We have thus come to a head , did not say breaking up. But I know, we really have no way the result can only have not even a good-bye.我们就这样走到了头,没有说分手。可是我知道,我们真的没了结果只能这样连一句再见都没有。

9.Then eventually he looked at his watch and decided that he had to go, and he said, "Bye then, Harry. "终于,他看了看手表,决定该回去了,然后他说:“那就再见吧,哈里。”

10.Perhaps pretend easy wave can say good-bye, perhaps feign to do not pke to say to let go can let go.也许假装洒脱的挥手就能说再见,也许假装没有爱过说放手就可以放手。