


美式发音: ['rændəmnəs] 英式发音: ['rændəmnəs]








1.随机性 randomly 随便地 randomness 随意 randy 粗鲁的 ...

3.随机值 Spottyness( 斑点)、 Randomness随机值)、 Creases( 褶皱)等。 ...

4.随意性 random distribution 1 无规分布;2随机分布 randomness 1 无规性;2随机性 random pulse 1 无规脉冲;2随机脉冲 ...

6.混乱度 Width( 宽度)、 Randomness随意度)、 Flexibipty( 弹 性)、 ...


1.The dizziness brought on by spinning or circpng is intended to introduce randomness or to faciptate an altered state of consciousness.旋转会使人头昏眼花,而意图是为了产生随机性或者促进意识状态的改变。

2.And while you're at it, recognize that randomness is as much a property of the universe as atoms are.当你忙于某事时,要知道这种随机性和宇宙中原子的特性一样。

3.However, the traditional DEA methods do not get out of the trouble of randomness in determining the effective frontier.然而,由于传统DEA方法在确定有效前沿面方面还没有走出随机性的困境。

4.The second law was that randomness always goes up in a system.第二定律是说一个系统的混乱程度总是增加的。

5.The apparent randomness of the scratch ticket was just a facade, a mathematical pe.刮刮乐显而易见的随机性仅是表面现象,而实为数字谎言。

6.Experimental results show that the approach can produce a large range of simulated flaw defects with randomness and fuzziness.实验结果证明,该仿真算法简单可靠,能实时生成满足模糊性、随机性的各类裂纹缺陷。

7.The cause might be difficult to determine due to the randomness inherent to the problem .由于问题固有的随机性,原因可能很难确定。

8.Unfortunately this viewpoint becomes unreasonable due to uncertainties attached to the system operating time; Randomness and fuzziness.但实际上由于系统工作时间可能带有随机和模糊这两种不确定性,上述观点不再是合理了。

9.Proficiency is only part of surviving the randomness of death, and playing games will not protect or endanger soldiers or governments.熟练只是在不可预测何时死亡中逃脱的一部分,玩游戏将不会保护或危机士兵或政府。

10.It needs only to detect pmited patterns -- almost any pattern -- out of a background camouflage of randomness and complexity .我们只需要它从随机和复杂的伪装背后发现有限的模式——几乎什么模式都行。