


美式发音: 英式发音: [luːpt]







v.1.The past tense and past participle of loop

1.成圈的 irk vt. 使厌倦, 使苦恼 looped adj. 酩酊大醉的, 成圈的 consummate vt. 完成, 使达到极点 ...

2.酩酊大醉的 irk vt. 使厌倦, 使苦恼 looped adj. 酩酊大醉的, 成圈的 consummate vt. 完成, 使达到极点 ...

3.结环纽眼 Linked 连接饰物 Looped 结环纽眼 Single buttoned 单边纽扣 ...

4.结环钮眼 loops 裤耳 looped 结环钮眼 looping 套口/缝袜头 ...

5.子端口的 ... 向7507方向做环路,发现多信道 LINE PROTOCOL UP, 模块中这个E1子端口的 LOOP

6.有环的 pickled1. 醉的;酩酊的 looped1. 成圈的,有环的 intoxication2. 酒醉,酩酊 ...

7.循环 ... looped:false( 循环:否) looped:true( 循环:是) sound_data:.start( 引导) ...


1.it had sought human companionship and help and it made no threatening gesture as she looped one end of the torn petticoat about its horns.它在艰苦中到处寻找人类来帮助它,所以当她把那条用衬裙做的绳子系在牛角上时,牛也没有做出任何威胁的姿态。

2."Thank you, " she said softly. And she moved forward, right up against him. She went on tiptoe and looped her arms around his neck.“谢谢,”她温柔说。走到他的面前。她踮起脚尖,把她的胳膊套在他的脖子上。

3.Keane's blocked shot looped up to the edge of the box, where Dudgeon twisted and unleashed a quite breathtaking volley into the far corner.基恩被封堵的射门弹到了禁区边缘,杜金打出一脚惊天抽射飞进远角。

4.As a result, the monks looped the "t" around the "a" and created it into a circle-epminating two strokes of the pen.结果,僧侣们就在“a”四周画了一个圈,从而省却了字母“t”的两个笔划。

5.A tight curl, twist, or bend in a length of thin material, as one caused by the tensing of a looped section of wire.扭结一段长度的材料产生的绷紧的卷曲,曲折或弯曲,例如因拉紧线的有环部分。

6.Two hours later, the looped mass had expanded and was moving away from the Sun.两个小时以后,这圈粒子已经扩大并且远离太阳。

7.As the platoon looped back to base, an alert marine noticed a stretch of orange kite-string hidden in the furrows of a barren field.当这个排原路返回基地时,一位警惕的陆战队士兵注意到一段橙色风筝线埋在一块荒地的梨沟里。

8.You can set the sample to be looped or not, reverse the sound, and set the trigger mode to normal, gate or one-shot.您可以设置的样本环形与否,扭转声音,并设置触发模式正常,门或一杆。

9.When my turn came, I displayed my few tricks and pointed out to him that the incorrectly looped string had thrown the toy off balance.当该我来玩时,我展示我的一点技巧并向他指出绕得不正确的线使这个玩具失去了平衡。

10.she pointed to a wide arch corresponding to the window , and hung pke it with a tyrian - dyed curtain , now looped up.她指了指跟那窗子相对应的一扇又宽又大的拱门,一样也挂着红紫色的帘子,此刻往上卷着。