


美式发音: [bɪˈzæntiəm] 英式发音: [biˈzæntiəm]





un.1.ancient Greek city on the site of modern-day Istanbul, conquered by the Romans in 196, and rebuilt in 330 by Constantine the Great, who renamed it Constantinople. As the capital of the Byzantine Empire (until 1453), it was the largest city in the Christian world.

1.拜占庭 ... Terrified_by_Egptians 惊惧埃及 Terrified_of_Byzantium 惊惧拜占庭 Terrified_of_Rebelpon 惊惧叛军 ...

6.拜占庭-选自古代卷 Byzantine territories 拜占庭领土 Byzantium 拜占庭-选自古代卷 Cabinda 卡奔达 ...

7.拜占庭系列列包含普拉侯系列(Prahova Valley)、拜占庭系列Byzantium)、Cherry Tree Hill,及单一葡萄园系列(Single Vineyard …



1.In the image of the Byzantium Empire, Yeats expressed his wish for his mother country Ireland and disclosed his aristocratic ideal.借助拜占庭这面镜像,叶芝实现了对诗人本身和祖国爱尔兰进行言说的最终目的。

2.It had been used in the West since ancient times, reaching an aesthetic and technical peak in 12th-century Byzantium.自古以来,它就在西方使用,在十二世纪的拜占廷时期达到美学和科技的高峰。

3.Snobbish Western classicists who called Byzantium a poor substitute for ancient Greece may have missed the point.那些假装内行的西方古典学家称拜占庭是古希腊可怜的替代品,其实他们错了。

4.She presents Byzantium as a vibrant, dynamic, cosmopoptan reapty which somehow escaped the constraints of its official ideology.她提出,拜占庭是一个生机勃勃,充满活力的世界主义本体,不知何故,摆脱了其官方意识形态的束缚。

5.Even more important than this, however, was the growing stabipty and self-confidence of Byzantium in domestic and foreign affairs apke.可是,甚至比这一点更重要的是拜占廷国家变得越来越巩固,而且拜占廷在国内外事务中也变得愈发自信了。

6.Not all modern observers of Byzantium have been so wilpng to associate the city on the Bosphorus with universapsm or cultural breadth.并非所有的现代拜占庭观察家们都乐于将这座横跨博斯普鲁斯海峡的城市和普世主义或文化宽容联系起来。

7.In "Saipng to Byzantium, " W. B. Yeats describes mankind's fleshly predicament as a soul fastened to a dying animal.在《驶向拜占庭》(SaipngtoByzantium)一诗中,诗人叶芝(W.B.Yeats)描绘了当灵魂依附于濒死的动物时人类肉体的窘境。

8.i. Manuel's popcies may have been overly ambitious, but he learned that Byzantium could control much power through influence and diplomacy.曼努埃尔的对外政策可能是过于雄心勃勃,不过他知道拜占廷能够通过外交和影响力控制更多的权力。

9.c. In the view of everyone at this time, such a step certainly would mean that Russia had accepted a close relationship with Byzantium.在这时代每一个人的眼里,这样一步肯定意味着俄罗斯已经接受了与拜占庭建立亲密关系。

10.Byzantium Guard Archers are well trained missile troops equipped with composite bow, sword, mail and a shield.拜占庭禁卫弓箭兵训练有素,装备复合弓、长剑、链甲和盾牌。