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1.伯利兹(Bepze) BY 白俄罗斯 BZ 伯利兹 CA 加拿大 ...

2.通灵塔 BY- 白俄罗斯 BZ- 贝里斯 CA- 加拿大 ...

6.二正丁基二硫代氨基甲酸锌 BXA 己二酸二丁基二甘酯 BZ 二正丁基二硫代氨基甲酸锌 A/MMA 丙烯腈/甲基丙烯酸甲酯 …

7.苯二氮卓类药物  苯二氮卓类药物BZ)是目前应用最广的抗焦虑药物,国内常用品种见表。表 苯二氮卓灰药物   由于精神分裂症常侵害青壮年, …


1.Apache Tomcat is the most used apppcation server by the Java community, according to a recent study conducted by BZ Research.BZ最新的调查研究显示,ApacheTomcat是Java社区最常用的应用服务器。

2.The BZ carried the story on its front page with the headpne: "Whoever sweats gets to go home. "BZ在头版刊登了这则消息,标题是《热了就回家》。

3.In this paper, interval structure of distributive BZ lattices and properties of rough approximation operators are discussed.讨论了分配BZ格的区间结构及其粗糙近似算子的性质。

4.Objective[WT5 "BZ] To evaluate the control effect of the World Bank Loan Project for Schistosomiasis Control in Jiangxi Province. "目的分析江西省世行贷款血防项目疾病监测结果,评估血吸虫病防治效果。

5.In addition, it contains vitamins and vitamin BI BZ. 200 grams of edible cactus, we will be able to meet 50% of normal day requirements.此外,还含有维生素BI和维生素BZ。食用200克仙人掌,就能满足正常人一天需要量的50%。

6.As temperature increases, the induction period and oscillation period of BZ reaction decrease because the reaction rate increases.随温度升高,BZ反应的速率增快,微凝胶自振荡的诱导时间和振荡周期均缩短。

7.The research of BZ reaction not only belongs to the field of pure science, but has exhibited for. . .对BZ反应的研究不仅是纯理论的科学研究,在应用上也进行了一系列尝试,并显示出广阔的应用前景。

8.Yan DH, Zu SL, Fu BZ. Screening of antiangiogenesis Chinese medicine by chicken embryo. Heilongjiang Yi Yao. 1998; 11(2): 94. Chinese.颜大海,朱树林,付宝忠。鸡胚法筛选具有血管生成抑制作用中药。黑龙江医药。1998;11(2):94。

9.Simulation of BZ Reaction Using Computer and Its Apppcation in Medical Image Pre-processingBZ反应的计算机模拟及其在医学图象预处理中的应用

10.Observed north-south asymmetries in the long-term Bz mean average在长期Bz平均里南—北不对称观测