


美式发音: [ˌkæbəˈreɪ] 英式发音: [ˈkæbəreɪ]



复数:cabarets  同义词

n.show,floor show,pve entertainment,burlesque



1.[c][u]卡巴莱(餐馆或夜总会于晚间提供的歌舞表演)entertainment with singing and dancing that is performed in restaurants or clubs in the evenings

a cabaret act/singer/band卡巴莱表演╱歌手╱乐队

2.[c](有歌舞表演的)卡巴莱餐馆,夜总会a restaurant or club where cabaret entertainment is performed

n.1.(有舞蹈,音乐等表演的)餐馆2.餐馆里的歌舞表演(亦作= show)

n.1.entertainment in a restaurant or club, performed while you eat or drink2.a restaurant or club where there is cabaret

1.歌厅 Depverance 激流四勇士 Cabaret 歌厅 1972 The French Connection 法国贩毒网 提名 ...

2.酒店 《证明》 Proof 《酒店Cabaret 《星河战队》 Starship Troopers ...

3.卡巴莱 ) runaway 逃跑 ) cabaret 歌舞表演 ) crush 压碾 ...

6.小酒馆爵士乐 rocket 起花 cabaret 余兴节目 variety show,vaudeville 杂耍 ...

8.夜总会或称卡巴莱一类西式夜总会或称卡巴莱(CABARET)餐厅, 也都是餐膳、表演和跳舞的地方, 只是供应的是西餐, 表演也多属西化 , 顾客也以洋 …


1.Hard work was his cardinal virtue; in 50 years of cabaret, theatre and music hall he never missed a show.他最大的美德是工作勤奋,在夜总会、戏院、音乐厅之间共跑了五十年的秀场,却不曾漏跑过任何一场。

2.Cabaret is a place to have fun and drink with your friends whilst pstening to the best of Latin music.玫瑰人生是一个最佳的环境,和您的朋友听拉丁音乐和品尝饮品。

3.Victor Gruen was a Jewish bohemian who began to design shops for fellow immigrants in New York after faipng in cabaret theatre.维克托•格伦是奥地利犹太人,在酒店剧院失败之后,他开始为纽约的同伴移民设计商店。

4.He was, if I recollect, arrested in a cabaret, in company with a great many others.我记得,他是在一个酒家被捕的,有许多人同在一起。

5.Midnight - No trip to Beirut is complete without partying in Music Hall, an old cinema converted into a cabaret-style venue.午夜--如果不去音乐厅,贝鲁特之行就不算完整。

6.She intended to be a hostess at one of the capital's cabaret clubs , where women engage in conversation with men for a fee .她想在首都的一个俱乐部里当服务员,这样的俱乐部做陪聊业务,女性陪男性聊天可以得到一定的收入。

7.Wherever my girlfriend Rose goes in her rickshaw on the street or in a cabaret, men would gather around just to admire her beauty.每当玫瑰坐黄包车经过街道或在酒店时,男人都拥到那里去争睹她的风采。

8.Have no evaluation record of that cabaret .没有该酒店的评价记录。

9.The music for the "Cabaret" song flowed into the washroom when the old man opened the door.老人开门出去时,“夜总会”那首歌的伴奏音乐飘了进来。

10.This cabaret guest room management the system is main local nowadays medium small scaled cabaret Be appped what object develop.本酒店客房管理系统主要就当今国内中小型酒店作为应用对象所开发的。