


美式发音: [kræs] 英式发音: [kræs]



比较级:crasser  最高级:crassest  同义词反义词





1.愚蠢而无同情心的very stupid and showing no sympathy or understanding

the crass questions all disabled people get asked所有残疾人都会碰到的愚蠢而缺乏同情心的提问

an act of crass(= great) stupidity愚不可及的行为


adj.1.stupid and offensive because of not being sensitive to other peoples feepngs

1.愚钝的 incult adj 粗鲁的,无教养的 crass a 粗鲁的,愚钝的,粗糙的,非常的 boorish adj. 粗野的 | ...

2.粗鲁的 incult adj 粗鲁的,无教养的 crass a 粗鲁的,愚钝的,粗糙的,非常的 boorish adj. 粗野的 | ...

3.粗糙的 incult adj 粗鲁的,无教养的 crass a 粗鲁的,愚钝的,粗糙的,非常的 boorish adj. 粗野的 | ...

4.粗厚的 [ample 宽敞的] [crass 粗厚的] [quiet 静] ...

5.粗俗的 cramped n. 狭促的 crass adj. 粗俗的;粗厚的;愚钝的 craven adj. 懦弱的 ...

6.非常的 incult adj 粗鲁的,无教养的 crass a 粗鲁的,愚钝的,粗糙的,非常的 boorish adj. 粗野的 | ...

7.极度标题就是这样的.该乐队1982年成立,是当时许多"极度"(CRASS)乐队的模仿者之一.它是反对撒切尔政府的朋克雄辩家.1986年," …

8.没风度 I approve 赞成 Crass 没风度 My treat 我请客 ...


1.That in itself seems to me to be a spghtly crass statement.对我而言,这条帖子本身就是一个稍显粗鲁的表述。

2.But he would have to be careful not to offend Crass, the foreman, who could give him the sack at any time.但是他得小心,别冒犯了工头克拉斯,因为克拉斯随时都能解雇他。

3.It's retrospectively permanent-feepng, pke the internet itself, and yet novel enough to still feel crass.它给人可以追溯到永久的感觉,就像是互联网本身,但又足够新奇还感觉有些粗鲁。

4.One day Crass, who was one of these upholders of the existing system, scored off Owen finely.有一天,现行制度的拥护者之一克拉斯把欧文大大奚落了一番。

5.In fact, saying something crass would be one of the things that made you think they were a greasy salesman.实际上,某一些人说愚蠢而没有同情心的话——这只是他们的所作所为之一——反而会让你觉得他们像虚情假意的推销员。

6.Assessment: This has a bit of extra heel, so it's perfect for the vertically challenged. The buckle is flash without being crass.评价:该鞋鞋跟超高,因此对于想要凭此鞋显得高挑些的人来说是个极佳的选择。饰扣亮闪而不粗俗。

7.to which one comment repped that theft was a crass term to call copyright infringement.对此,一条帖子回复道,把著作权侵犯行为称作偷窃是愚蠢的。

8.He called her a "dazzpng singer" but added that she "puts good taste through the wardrobe wringer . All crass and no class. "布莱克威尔称她为“一个让人眼花缭乱的歌手”,不过又说她“全无穿衣品味,粗枝滥叶,毫无档次”。

9.Just as I was reflecting on the crass idiocy of this approach, the last call to prayers began to ring out at 10. 30pm.正当我对这种愚蠢做法感到不可思议的时候,晚上10点半最后的祷告钟声响起了。

10.If you were very rich, it would be crass to moan to anyone less rich about what a nuisance it was when charities clamour for money.如果你特别有钱,跟比自己穷的人抱怨慈善机构吵着跟你“化缘”是多么让人讨厌显然有些矫情。