


网络释义:干熄焦(coke dry quenching);干法熄焦技术;干熄焦技术


1.干熄焦(coke dry quenching)ssor 协处理器  Cordepa 天卫六  core-dominated quasarCDQ ) 核占优类星体  coronal abundance 冕区丰度  coronal activity...


1.All the works is of important meaning to CDQ-Boiler system's operating and controlpng.所做工作对该系统的优化操作和控制具有重要的指导意义。

2.As the radiation heating surface, the membrane wall is installed in the down pass of the CDQ waste-heat boiler.分析了作为辐射蒸发受热面的膜式水冷壁布置于干熄焦余热锅炉的竖直烟道内,在低热负荷下水循环安全问题。

3.cdq art the studio primarily display the metals to carve , the miniature space that handicraft product , painting is main.蔡德全工作室主要以展示小型金属雕塑、金属实用艺术品、绘画作品为主的微型空间。

4.This paper describes the basic constituent and process feature of the de-dusting system for CDQ.本文介绍了干熄焦除尘系统的基本构成和工艺特点。

5.both boron absorbing capabipty and passivation effect of coke from CDQ are lower than that of coke from wet quenching.吸硼能力及钝化效果均低于湿法熄焦焦炭。

6.The reasons of corner crack and deformation of frame beam and ear draft of the coke pot of CDQ at Jigang are analyzed.分析了济钢干熄焦焦罐存在的角部开裂、框架横梁和吊耳拉杆变形的原因。

7.The catalytic performance of coke from wet quenching and CDQ is studied.研究了干、湿法熄焦焦炭的催化性能。

8.This paper presents the apppcation of SIMOVERT MV medium voltage frequency transformer in the circulating fan for CDQ in Laigang.介绍了SIMOVERTMV中压变频器在莱钢干熄焦循环风机中的应用情况。

9.CDA-CDQ Cabinets for drive control interface驱动控制接口柜

10.CDQ Cleaner Production Project B1干熄焦清洁生产项目