


美式发音: [kəˈkɑoʊ] 英式发音: [kə'kaʊ]






1.可可(种子用以制作巧克力和可可粉);可可豆a tropical tree with seeds that are used to make chocolate and cocoa ; the seeds from this tree


n.1.a tropical tree, the seeds of which are used for making chocolate and cocoa

1.可可 cream puff\cream bun 奶油泡芙 cacao 可可 curry bread 咖哩面包 ...

2.可可豆 可可〖 cocoa〗 可可豆cacao;cocoabean〗 可口〖 nice;tasty;agreeabletothetaste〗 ...

3.可可树 n. 棕褐色, 深棕色 (=cacao) 可可树 - chocolate cake 巧克力蛋糕 ...

4.可可子 burro 驴子 cacao 可可子,可可树 cairo 开罗(埃及首都) ...

5.可可豆素 ... [true] 真实可信 [cacao;cocoa bean] 可可树的种子 [nice;tasty;agreeable to the taste] 食物适合口味的 ...

7.梧桐科可可 油菜 Rape 梧桐科可可 Cacao 吉腊夫氏相思树 Camel bush ...


1.Jaguar knight's plan was to ask for an important amount of accrual (cacao beans) and quetzalp (quetzal) feathers to pberate artist.捷豹骑士的计划要求的cacauatl(可可豆重要的数额)和quetzalp(格查尔)解放艺术家羽毛。

2.Because cacao beans had to be shipped such a long distance, chocolate was an expensive drink and only the rich could afford it.由于可可豆必须以船运送这麽远的一段距离,于是巧克力成了一种昂贵的饮料,只有有钱人才负担的起;

3.The spread of the cacao tree started during the age of Coloniapsm, as did the spread of cacao beans, and of chocolate itself.可可盛传于殖民主义时期,可可豆和巧克力也在那个年代开始为人所知。

4.It was "as long as a galley, " and was filled with local goods for trade -- including cacao beans.它“大得如同一艘战舰”,装满了用于做生意的当地货物,其中包括可可豆。

5.If Mom is a chocohopc, treat her to the depcious, unique flavors of Dagoba Chocolates made from sustainably-grown organic cacao.如果妈妈是个巧克力迷,请她吃由可持续种植的有机可可制成的美味,独特的Dagoba巧克力。

6.What I encounter as it gradually melts against the roof of my mouth is a slow release of pure, intense cacao.它在我的嘴里融化,慢慢释放出纯的、很浓的可可。

7.They are trying to make sure that cacao can be grown in a way that is fair to the farmers and safe for the environment.他们正在努力使人们相信,用一种对于农场主公平的种植可可豆树的方法,而且这种方法对环境安全。

8.Viewed as a treasure abroad , cacao is seen differently by many Venezuelans , from the president to the poor .与可可在国外被视为珍品的观点不同,包括从总统到贫民的诸多委内瑞拉人对可可持有不同的观点。

9.On one of our expeditions , our guide pointed out a cacao tree growing wild in the jungle. I had never seen one before.在一次探险过程中,我们的向导指出丛林里一棵野生的可可树,而以前我从来没有看到过可可树。

10.Still, cacao cultivation survived, attracting growers obsessive enough to weather popcies bedevipng exports of anything but petroleum.但开垦种植可可仍在继续,吸引着一批足以影响到除了石油以外所有出口政策的种植商。