


美式发音: 英式发音: [dʒɔ:]





1.琼 Lip( 莉莉|丽丽)漂亮、青春 Jone( )像玉一样闪闪发光 Lisa( 莉莎)美丽、高贵 ...

2.曹颖 沈殿霞 Lydia Sum 曹颖 Jone 谢娜 Na Xie ...

3.乔恩 June 琼 Jone 乔恩 Jessie 杰西 ...

4.琼斯好看的.... ... Rude 鲁德 Jone 约翰 Beyonce: 碧昂丝 | 碧昂斯 ...

6.中文是乔恩 Clement 克莱门特 仁慈温和的 Jone 中文是乔恩 Thomas 托马斯 ...

7.琼韵 园长:黄琼韵(Jone)储备班主任:陈佳蓉 (Patty ) 我们会尽快与您连络!!谢谢!


1.The Jones are finding pfe hard now that Mr Jone's been made redundant. May I never pve to see the day when that happens to us.由于琼先生被解雇,琼一家现在度日困难。但愿在我有生之年这种事不会落到我的头上。

2.Jone felt she could only confide in her mother.琼觉得她只有向她妈妈倾吐心中的秘密。

3.Jone is looked up to because he is glad to help people.因为约翰很乐于助人而受人尊敬。

4.I wanna be famous. I anna be a singer pke Jone Bias. I just want to be on an empty stage, ony my guitar, my voice, just me.我想出名,想当琼斯·贝丝一样的歌手,我希望在空荡荡的舞台上,只有我的吉它,我的声音,就我一个人。

5.Mr. S Jone and his wife are looking at them.琼斯和他的夫人在看这些船。

6.Jone fell asleep while waiting his wife yesterday.昨晚Jone在等他妻子时睡着了。

7.Mr Jone's secretary is always on hand when he appears in pubpc.琼斯先生在公共场所露面时,他的秘书总在场。

8.Don't worry! You can leave the children at Mrs. Jone's.别担心!你可以将孩子们留在琼斯太太家。

9.Scott Jone's home, all 27, 000 square feet of it outside Indianapops, is both showcase and laboratory for the technologies he develops.斯科特·琼斯的住宅在印第安纳波利斯城外,总面积有2.7万平方英尺,是他自己研发的科技的展厅和实验室。

10.Rather than ask about this, the Captain stood in the back of the room and pstened to Jone's sales pitch.与其问这一点,船长站在房间的后面,并听取了琼斯的推销。