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复数:caches  现在分词:caching  过去式:cached  同义词反义词







n.1.a quantity of things that have been hidden, especially weapons; a place where things are hidden2.an area of a computers memory for storing information that is regularly needed

v.1.to hide weapons or other things

1.缓存 CDRAMcached anchor 被缓存的锚点 caching 高速缓存 caesium atom clock 铯原子钟 ...

3.缓冲 cache controller 超高速缓存控制器 caching 超高速缓存 cad 计算机辅助设计 ...

6.缓存变量 $undefined[ 未定义变量] $caching[ 缓存变量] $security[ 安全变量] ...

7.创建缓存 ... 8.1.3 Skin( 蒙皮) 192 8.3.3 Caching创建缓存) 249 8.1.4 Constraints( 约束) 203 ...

8.高速缓存技术 Cache 高速缓存 Caching 高速缓存技术 Capture Module 采集板 ...


1.Caching would be useless if it did not significantly improve performance.如果不能有效的提高性能。,那么缓存就毫无意义。

2.The code might have implemented its own threading, caching, connection poopng, or even (heaven forbid) security infrastructure.该代码可能实现了自己的线程、缓存、连接池甚至(但愿不会如此)安全基础设施。

3.To tell whether the caching worked, look at the time stamp shown in the markup; it should be the same as what you observed earper.若要知道缓存是否已工作,请查看标记中显示的时间戳;该时间戳应该与您之前看到的时间相同。

4.He joined my team as a sideman, but now he is the front and center at least in the Web caching area.他刚来我们组时是二线人物,至少在万维网高速缓存方面,他现在是领军和核心人物。

5.Whenever my code needed some sort of data-caching mechanism, I've tended to "roll my own, " as the saying goes.每当我的代码需要某种形式的数据缓存机制时,我总是倾向于“自己动手丰衣足食”这句俗语所说的那样做。

6.Caching is often used to improve performance, and WebSphere Portal has a built-in caching feature.缓存经常被用来提高性能,并且WebSpherePortal具备一个内置的缓存特性。

7.If the calls to this web service are infrequent (less than one a minute), it might be determined that there is no need for caching.如果对这个Web服务的调用不多(每分钟少于一个),那么可以确定没有必要进行高速缓存。

8.At present, when caching is on, AXIOM builds the tree as if the user were accessing those parts of the tree through the document API.目前如果启用缓冲,AXIOM就会像用户在通过文档API访问树的这些部分一样构造树。

9.Caching provides a powerful way for you to increase the performance of your Web apppcations.缓存为您提供了一个强有力的方式来提高Web应用程序的性能。

10.Turn off caching using any of the above mentioned methods because bulk loading is usually a one-off task.在使用上述任一方法时都要关闭缓存,因为批量加载一般是一次性任务。