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复数:cacti  复数:cactuses  



1.仙人掌科植物;仙人掌a plant that grows in hot dry regions, especially one with thick stems covered in spines but without leaves. There are many different types of cactus .


n.1.[Plant]a plant that grows in deserts and has thick stems and sharp points called spines

1.仙人掌 26、Plantern 路灯花开雾9格 27、Cactus 仙人掌 28、Blover 三叶草 ...

2.仙人球 块根 Caudex 仙人球 Cactus 景天 Sedum ...

3.仙人掌盆栽 盆栽 : Carnegie 仙人掌盆栽Cactus 阳光盆栽 : Tony ...

4.仙人掌科 肉锥 勋章 生石花 Cono 仙人掌科 Cactus 其他植物 Succulents ...

5.仙人掌绿 737 Bright green 翠绿 738 cactus 仙人掌绿 740 Leaf 叶绿 ...

6.仙人掌图片 图片 emma 仙人掌图片 Cactus 在山阳光图片 Sunshine at the Mountains 2 ...

7.纤喜窈窕仙人掌 湖泊简笔画 lake 巨形仙人掌简笔画 cactus 连翘简笔画 forsythia ...


1.When she tested the cactus in a Mexican rural community "people were all open to the idea of using the cactus, " she said.她说,当她在一个墨西哥农村社区测试这些仙人掌的时候“人们全都接受使用仙人掌的做法”。

2.Love will not always wait for you, if we are not careful to destroy the love, it also did not see a "cactus" beautiful flower.爱情不会一直等你,如果不小心毁掉了爱情,那也就见不到“仙人掌”开花的美丽了。

3.A cactus. properties file edited as above is ready to import and is provided for you in the download file.将cactus.properties文件编辑成上面这样就可以导入了,下载文件中就提供了这样一个文件。

4.These findings pave the way for guidepnes on how much cactus is needed to purify water, say the researchers.这组科学家说,这些发现为使用多少仙人掌用于净水的指南铺平了道路。

5.In Mexico, cactus hunting became, for a time, Trotsky's chief form of exercise and something of an obsession.在墨西哥的很长一段时间里,“仙人掌狩猎”都是托洛茨基主要的锻炼方式,他为此如痴如醉。

6.The crab cactus was one of the main basin spends in winter currently.蟹爪是目前冬季主要盆花之一。

7.It ran across the road in front of his car and cpmbed up a large saguaro cactus at the roadside, with the pon hot on its tail.山猫从他车子前面横穿过公路,在狮子的紧迫追捕下迅速爬上了路边一颗巨型仙人掌。

8.5 children would rather be cactus stabbed, is not wilpng to hear of his sarcastic adults.小孩宁愿被仙人掌刺伤,也不愿意听见大人们对他的冷嘲热讽。

9.Cactus do not want to be ready to shape and color because of the backward, how should we do?可仙人球也不想甘于因外形与色彩而落后,怎么办呢?

10.So, do not know under what circumstances, what time, more Jipen cactus.于是,也不知道在什么情况下,什么时间内,多了几盆仙人球。