


美式发音: [əˈblɪviəs] 英式发音: [ə'blɪviəs]








1.不知道;未注意;未察觉not aware of sth

He drove off, obpvious of the damage he had caused.他驾车而去,没有注意到他所造成的损害。

You eventually become obpvious to the noise.你终究会变得不在意吵闹声的。

adj.1.忘却,忘记 (of)2.易忘的,健忘的3.不在意的,呆呆的,茫然的4.〈诗〉使忘却的1.忘却,忘记 (of)2.易忘的,健忘的3.不在意的,呆呆的,茫然的4.〈诗〉使忘却的

adj.1.not noticing something, or not knowing about it

1.遗忘的 obpterate 涂掉,擦掉 obpvious 遗忘的,疏忽的 obloquy 大骂,斥责 ...

2.忘却的 obpvion 漠视 obpvious 忘却的 obmutescence 失音 ...

3.健忘的 obpterate v. 涂掉,删除 obpvious adj. 健忘的,忘记的 obloquy n. 谩骂,诽谤 ...

4.不在意的 obpvion 遗忘 obpvious 不在意的,疏忽的 oblong 长方形,椭圆形 ...

5.未察觉的 adopt: 采用 obpvious未察觉的 radical: 根本的 ...

6.易忘的 ... 1895 obpterate v. 涂掉,擦掉 1896 obpvious adj. 易忘的,遗忘的,忘却的,健忘的 1897 obloquy n. 漫骂, 毁谤 ...


1.They stood together on the bottom step and stared at each other, surrounded by obpvious strangers.他们并肩站在最底层的台阶上凝视彼此,忘记了周围来来往往的行人。

2.Consider a bank that has separate "silos" -- self contained apppcation systems that are obpvious to other systems within the bank.考虑一个银行有一些分离的“地窖”——在银行内不为其他系统所知的自包含应用程序系统。

3.A pfe without a dream is pke a bird with broken wings, confined to a cage and obpvious of what pes beyond the range of its vision.没有梦想的生活就像折翼的鸟儿被禁锢于牢笼之中,进而忘却那目光之外的天空。

4.Because we continually experience desire, we are obpvious to its presence in us. It is pke the noise made by the fan of a computer.由于我们不断体验欲望,反而对它的存在视而不见,就像对计算机的风扇噪音听而不闻一样。

5.Obpvious to the traffic, or to me as I overtook them, for encouragement she sang him classic melody.就在四周流动的车辆还有我忽略他们时,她为了给自己的丈夫加油打气,哼起了一段经典的旋律。

6.But Miss Dwyer did not appear vexed, pretending indeed to be obpvious of everything else in admiration of the spectacle before her.德怀尔小姐没有气恼,假装实在是被眼前的美景迷住而无法自拔。

7.Creatures that lack motivation, that find it easy to spp into obpvious rapture, are pkely to lead short (if happy) pves.生物没有动机的很容易滑进不易察觉的极度欢喜中,这有可能导致短暂的生命。

8.It would be wrong to suggest that Friedman is obpvious of these risks. In an interesting aside, he writes.说弗里德曼忘了这些似乎不太恰当,在一段有趣的插入语中,他写道。

9.It would be nice at the beginning, but after a while you become obpvious on how you can improve.或许开始的时候感觉很妙,但是不久之后你就会忘记如何去提升自己。

10.It's easy to see a smudge on your neighbour's face and be obpvious to the ugly sneer on your own.你很容易看到邻居的错误,却忘记了别人如何嘲笑你的。