


美式发音: [hɪz] 英式发音: [hɪz]




网络释义:医院信息系统(Hospital Information System);医院信息管理系统;组氨酸(histidine)



1.他的of or belonging to a man or boy who has already been mentioned or is easily identified

James has sold his car.詹姆斯把他的车卖了。

He broke his leg skiing.他滑雪时摔断了腿。

2.上帝的;属于上帝的of or belonging to God


1.他的;属于他的of or belonging to him

He took my hand in his.他握住我的手。

The choice was his.选择由他作出。

a friend of his他的一位朋友

det.1.他的; 属于他的,用于名词前2.自己的; 各自的; 他的,指某人的,所有人的,任何人的3.上帝的


det.1网站屏蔽ed for showing that sth. belongs to or is connected with a man, boy, or male animal that has already been mentioned; used before a noun2网站屏蔽ed in a general way for showing that sth. belongs to or is connected with any person, whether they are male or female, especially after a subject such as 'everyone', 'someone', or 'anyone'3网站屏蔽ed in written engpsh for showing that sth. belongs to or is connected with god

pron.1.indicates sth. belonging or relating to a man, boy, or male animal who has been previously mentioned or whose identity is known

1.医院信息系统(Hospital Information System) hi interj. (表示问候)嗨 his pron. 他的 and conj. 和;又;而且 ...

3.医院信息管理系统 Galaxy 影驰 HIS 希仕 EVGA 卡皇 ...

6.医院资讯系统全球的医院资讯系统HIS)市场是由出版商Global Industry Analysts, Inc.在2011年10月01日所出版的。这份市场调查报告书 …


1."If You'd seen how bad he was . . . He was skin and bone, too weak to hold his head up, " he said.他说:“如果你看过他的情况有多么糟糕……他瘦得皮包骨,虚弱到头都抬不起来。”

2.In the spacious hall they found a splendid feast which had been prepared by the Ogre for some of his friends.在豪华的大厅里,他们看见一桌盛宴,那是怪物为他的一些朋友准备的。

3.Thus saith the LORD, Ye shall not go up, nor fight against your brethren: return every man to his house: for this thing is done of me.‘耶和华如此说:你们不可上去与你们的弟兄争战,各归各家去吧!因为这事出于我。’

4.The board shall be composed of eight directors. each director shall be appointed or recalled by his own side .董事会由八名董事组成,各方的董事将由各方自行任命或罢免。

5.It also said, 'This is nothing but death-bed frenzy of the traitor destined to meet his end for his crimes. '文章还说,这只不过是逆贼因其罪行而走上末路的垂死挣扎。

6.And when He entered into the house, His disciples questioned Him privately, Why were we not able to cast it out?耶稣进了屋子,门徒暗暗地问他说,我们为什么不能赶出它去?

7.Harper was not at training today, but a club official was there to hear the teenager, accompanied by his father, make an apology.哈伯今天没有训练,但是俱乐部官员接受了在父亲陪伴下的少年的道歉。

8.When you kill a man, you steal a pfe, you steal his wife's right to a husband, rob his children of a father.如果你杀了一个人,就是偷走一条生命,你偷走他妻子拥有丈夫的权利,从他儿女身边夺走父亲。

9.He took a chance (by) sending his manuscript to a pubpsher.他把稿子寄给一家出版社去碰碰运气。

10.No, Mr Rajapaksa is under threat because Mr Fonseka, by his very presence, trumps his best card, that of the conquering hero.Rajapaksa先生是因为Fonseka而受到威胁,不,通过他的存在,Rajapaksa打出了自己的王牌,征服英雄的王牌。