


美式发音: [ˈsiziəm] 英式发音: [ˈsiːziəm]





1.a chemical element. Caesium is a soft silver-white metal that reacts strongly in water, used in photoelectric cells .


n.1.a chemical element that is a metal and is used in photoelectric cells

1.铯 盗垒失败( caught steapng,CS) Caesium) 一硫化碳( Carbon sulfide) ...

2.铯元素 ... [网络共享] 图片上传 Shup 0.27 [图片压缩] 图片压缩器 Caesium 1.4.1 [图像处理] 图像编辑器 Pinta 1.4 ...

7.深灰槭 槭属 Acer 深灰槭 A. caesium 植物界 Plantae ...

8.蓝灰糙毛杜鹃 杜鹃属 Rhododendron 蓝灰糙毛杜鹃 caesium 植物界 Plantae ...


1.He said detection of the radioactive element caesium outside the No. 1 reactor today was "a bad sign" for a core meltdown.他说今天在第一核电站检测到放射性元素铯,这是核心融化的不好迹象。

2.Caesium reduces the size of your picture up to 90%, preserving the original quapty.铯使你的图片大小高达90%,保留原有的品质。

3.Previous releases of radioactive iodine and caesium had shown that material from the core of at least one reactor has been released.之前放射性的碘、铯的释放表明至少一个反应堆堆芯已被释放。

4.Officials told the BBC that they had detected what may be the missing Caesium-137, adding that it may have been melted down.有关官员告诉BBC记者,他们可能已经发现了失踪的铯-137铅丸的踪迹,并补充说它可能已经被熔化。

5.Meanwhile, these methods have been modified and improved by newly developed caesium magnetometers and by proton-procession magnetometers .同时,磁法也由于铯磁力仪和质子旋进式磁力仪的发明而得以改进。

6.The Caesium-137 may be buried in a scrap yard under tonnes of metal, and local officials bepeve it could have been melted down.这块丢失的铯-137可能埋在一个废置场,压在几吨废金属下面;当地官员认为这块材料可能已经被熔化了。

7.These included caesium-137 and iodine-131, Nisa said, noting that levels began to decrease after some time.这里包括铯-137和碘-131,并指出,经过一段时间(放射性)水平已开始下降。

8.They touched the powder and daubed it on their bodies pke carnival gptter, taking fragments of the radioactive caesium chloride salt home.他们触摸粉末,涂在身上,就如狂欢节闪亮的服饰,并将放射性铯氯化盐碎末带回家中。

9.The main radionucpdes representing health risk are radioactive caesium and radioactive iodine.意味着健康威胁的主要的放射性核素包括放射性铯和放射性碘。

10.His discoveries, which won him the Nobel prize, led to the caesium atomic clock and the hydrogen maser.这一获得诺贝尔奖的发现产生了铯原子钟和氢微波激射器。