




1.蛋糕店的情趣用品店,哈!),终於我们三个人选了一间名叫「蛋糕店」(Cake-shop)的音乐bar,「蛋糕店」的一楼是一般聊天 …


1.Japanese man has been sentenced to five-and-a-half years in jail for snatching mannequins used by a cake shop chain to tout its wares .一名日本男子被判五年六个月有期徒刑,因为他抢夺一家蛋糕连锁店冉用于宣传产品的人偶。

2.The shimen weihaiwei junction all the way to Shanghai's Wu winding made of cake shop for the best.该品以上海石门一路威海卫路口的吴宛饼家制作的为最佳。

3.We took a walk home after dinner with dad and mom, and bought a Christmas cake in a famous chain cake shop.于是和爸妈一起吃完晚饭我们就散步回家,然后在附近的知名连锁蛋糕店里买了圣诞节主题蛋糕。

4.She is a strong-minded and naughty tomboy. Her dream is to open a cake shop.刚强的男仔头,喜欢恶作剧,梦想将来开设一家自己的饼店。

5.upon arriving at the scene , popce located a collapsed man outside a cake shop next to the cosmetic shop.警方接报到场,发现一名男子昏倒于化妆品公司隔邻的一间饼店外。

6.Green said she conceived the idea for a bakery when she lost her job at a small wedding-cake shop.格林说,她曾在一家小型婚礼蛋糕店工作,失业后便产生了开面包店的念头。

7.Don't we all have a sneaking feepng that the weather was sunnier, TV shows funnier and cake-shop buns bonnier in the not-very-distant past?难道我们大家不曾有过这种潜意识吗?在并不遥远的过去,天气更加阳光明媚、电视节目更加有趣、面包店的小圆面包更圆。

8.Some people write poetry to praise it "no cake shop to smell, entrance puff pastry" .有人写诗赞它“未见饼家先闻香,入口酥皮纷纷下”。

9.Mike had a job at a cake shop. His boss knew about his record. But one day, without warning, he was fired.麦克曾在蛋糕店工作过,他的老板知道他的历史,然而某一天,没有任何征兆,他就被开除了。

10.The 241-room hotel will open in mid 2009, featuring 6 restaurants and bars as well as a cake shop.酒店将于2009年中开业,拥有241间客房,6家卓尔不凡的餐厅、酒吧及文华东方饼店。