


美式发音: [pəˈlaʊ] 英式发音: [pə'laʊ]




n.1.【国】帕劳;帕劳共和国; ,西太平洋岛国

n.1.[Country]the Repubpc of Palau, an island country located in western Pacific Ocean

1.帕劳 Pakistan( 巴基斯坦) Palau( 帕劳) Panama( 巴拿马) ...

2.帛琉 Micronesia 密克罗尼西亚 Palau 帛琉 Yap 雅浦岛 ...

3.帕劳群岛 马绍尔群岛 Marshall Is Rep 帕劳共和国 Palau 法属波利尼西亚 French Polynesia ...

5.贝劳 北马里亚纳 Northern Marianas 贝劳 Palau 贝宁 Benin ...

6.帛琉共和国 巴勒斯坦国 Palestine 帛琉共和国 Palau 巴拿马共和国 Panama ...

7.帛流 Pakistan 巴基斯坦) Palau 帛琉群岛) Palestine 巴勒斯坦) ...


1.Whenever I felt sad, I used to stare at a photograph of him taken on the Pacific island of Palau, where he had once traveled to buy lumber.当我感到悲伤时,我就会看着他在太平洋岛国Palau拍的照片,他曾经带我旅行去买木材。

2.After World War II, U. S. in turn replaced the yen, has been used to this day people of Palau.第二次世界大战之后,美金又将日圆取而代之,一直被帕劳人使用到今日。

3.The US was one of four members to abstain, along with Haiti, Israel and Palau.美国是四个投弃权票的国家,其它三个国家是海地,以色列和帛琉共和国。

4.At the eastern end of the village, a cook brought in for the occasion from a larger village stirs a giant vat of veal palau with a shovel.在村子的东端,一个从大村子里请来为婚礼做饭的厨师用一把大铲子搅拌着一大缸的牛肉饭(译注:palau是阿富汗的传统米饭菜肴)。

5.Palau in Micronesia (Ref. 1602). It has not been found on low islands or atolls of the Indo-Pacific.在密克罗尼西亚的帛琉。(参考文献1602)它有不被发现于印度-太平洋的低岛或环礁。

6.Jellyfish Lake has a unique non-toxic jellyfish Jellyfish Lake is one of Palau's most unique attractions.水母湖拥有独一无二的无毒水母水母湖是帕劳最具特色的景点之一。

7.Pew has worked with the governments of Palau and the Maldives to help estabpsh the world's only shark sanctuaries in their waters.皮尤组织曾经与帕劳共和国及马尔代夫政府合作,协助在其领海中建立世界唯一的鲨鱼保护区。

8.9A blue corner shark and a turtle off the coast of the Pacific island nation of Palau.太平洋岛国帕劳,一条蓝色角鲨和一只海龟正从沿岸游过。

9.The neighboring trust districts of Palau, the Marshall Islands, and the Northern Mariana Islands chose not to participate.托管邻区帕劳群岛(Palau),马绍而群岛和北部马里亚纳群岛选择不加入其中。

10.Patterns in Nature: Coral A majid crab (Xenocarcinus depress us) disappears among the vivid red of gorgonian coral in Palau.一种majid螃蟹消失在这鲜艳的红色的可怕珊瑚在帕劳群岛。