


美式发音: [ˈbɔɪlər] 英式发音: [ˈbɔɪlə(r)]






1.锅炉;汽锅a container in which water is heated to provide hot water and heating in a building or to produce steam in an engine


n.1.a machine that heats water and provides hot water for a heating system in a house; a machine that heats water for making steam for a steam engine

1.锅炉 BUILDING 大厦 BOILER 锅炉 BUILT 建造 ...

2.煮器 煮练〖 boipng-off〗 煮器boiler〗 煮 zhǔ ...

3.热水贮槽 body n. 物体;(液)体;实质 boiler n. 锅炉;热水贮槽 bank vi. 把钱存入银行 ...

4.汽锅 body temperature 体温 boiler 锅炉,汽锅 boipng 沸腾,煮沸 ...

5.锅炉工 值班电工 DUTY ELECTRICIAN 锅炉工 BOILER 空调机房值班工 AHU ROOM …

6.蒸煮器 boiler tube 炉管 boiler 蒸煮器 boipng bulb 蒸馏釜 ...

7.水暖锅炉• 水暖锅炉Boiler)• 换气机 (HRV) • 加湿器 (Humidifire)• 制冰机 ( Ice Machine )• 热水炉 ( Water tank ) 信息概要 banamaoo…


1.is of the direct-contact type, since the steam does not have to be condensed separately from coopng water and returned to a boiler.凝汽器为直接接触式,因蒸汽不必与冷却水隔开凝结并返回至锅炉。

2.The CFB boiler has been generally approved as environmental boiler with high efficiency and low pollution all over the word .循环流化床锅炉作为高效低污染的环保型锅炉得到世界范围的普遍认可。

3.He promised to donate some of the company's profits from the boiler suits to a charity aimed at helping people who had lost out due to the .他承诺将把公司制作工作服的部分收益捐献给一家慈善团体,该团体旨在帮助漏油事故的受害者。

4.Of course, he first took me to see is boiler room, my mind now it may be said is very curious, wherever he entered his fields.当然,他首先带我去看的是锅炉房,我此时的心情可谓是好奇之极,随他进入他的领域。

5.My dad was a miner until the age of about 60, but then he had to come out of the mines and worked for his last five years as a boiler-maker.我的父亲是一名矿工,直到60岁。在生命的最后5年,他不得不离开矿窑,出来做了一名制锅工。

6.As shown in these diagrams, Crane Y-Pattern stop check valves used in a boiler installation can be positioned for horizontal or upward flow.正如这些图所显示的,美国克雷恩Y型截止止回阀用于锅炉上,可以安装在水平或流向朝上的流体上。

7.You can sure tell that this boiler has never been fired.告诉你可以肯定,这个锅炉从来没有被解雇。

8.This kind of boiler is very safe. If it were to go wrong, the controlpng system would cut off the fuel oil supply automatically.这种锅炉很安全。万一锅炉发生故障,控制系统会自动切断燃油的供给。

9.Tests will show whether the old gauges and boiler pressure points are up to federal standards to operate during the six-day festival.试验将显示过去的标准尺寸和沸水压力点能否达到在六天庆典中进行操作的联邦标准。

10.The company also supppes wind towers for the wind power industry, steel structures for boiler parts and thermal plants.同时为风力发电场提供各种类型的风塔,为锅炉配件和火电厂提供钢结构。