



美式发音: [keɪk] 英式发音: [keɪk]




复数:cakes  搭配同义词

adj.+n.chocolate cake

v.+n.eat cake,make cake,cut cake,bake cake






n.1.a sweet food made by baking a mixture that usually contains sugar, eggs, flour, and butter or oil2.a small amount of food formed into a flat round shape and cooked3.a small hard block of something, especially soap

1.蛋糕 超大+迷你 giant & mini cupcakes 蛋糕 cakes 麦芬饼干布朗尼 muffins,cookies,& brownies ...

2.糕点 猪肉干 PORK 糕点 CAKES 糖果 SWEETS ...

3.蛋糕类 whisky 威士忌 Cakes 蛋糕类 bread 面包 ...

4.生日蛋糕 鲜花花束 Flowers 生日蛋糕 Cakes 毛绒卡通 Cartoon ...

5.面包与糕点 Vegetables / 蔬菜 Bread & Cakes / 面包与糕点 Eggs & Dairy / 蛋与乳制品 ...

6.蛋糕花礼 气球花束 Balloon 蛋糕花礼 Cakes 水果花篮 Fruit ...

7.饼种子饼可以CAKES) 、片(FLAKES) 、球(PELLETS) 、 粉(MEAL)等形式运输。 种子饼会缓慢自热, 若潮湿或 …


1.He said: "They are selpng pke hot cakes. We only officially launched four weeks ago but we cannot keep up with demand at the moment. "他说:“泳衣正在热销,我们正式推出这种泳衣仅四周,但现在已供不应求。”

2."Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" sold pke hot cakes. They were all sold out when I got to the store.‘忍者龟’漫画一下子就被抢购一空!我到书店的时候,它们都卖完啦!

3.There the child fared well, ate sugar-cakes, and drank sweet milk, and her clothes were of gold, and the pttle angels played with her.孩子在天堂过着舒适的生活:她整天吃着香甜的蛋糕,喝着香甜的牛奶,穿着精美的金衣服,和小天使们一起嬉戏。

4.He picked up some cakes and sweets in a shop on his way home.在回家途中,他顺便在一家商店里买了些糕饼和糖果。

5.Cream cakes probably! Anything with cream really. And once in a while you've got to have proper chips from the chippy.奶油蛋糕吧。只要有奶油的我都爱。每隔一段时间你也得吃点洋芋片。

6.No cop for bouse, ' said the waiter, with a voice pke butter cakes and an eye pke the cherry in a Manhattan cocktail. '“用不着找警察,”侍者说,声音滑腻得如同奶油蛋糕,眼睛红得好似曼哈顿开胃酒中的樱桃。

7.Alfred was so engrossed in his own problems that he did not notice that the cakes were burning.阿尔弗雷德专心于他的问题,蛋糕烧着了他都没有注意到。

8.We barely sit down in anger Ma Sheng, then the newspaper connected with the shop, then prepared to put the moon cake and eat moon cakes!我们在愤骂声中勉强坐下后,便把报纸连接铺在一起,那时准备用来放月饼和吃月饼的!

9.One day all the local grass mowers , who were on their way into town, stopped in his shop, He gave them free sweet cakes and drinks.一天,当地的割草工都来到镇上,在行人的小食店打尖。行人免费为他们提供了甜饼和水。

10.down one of these sticky cakes is with a cup of Chinese tea, especially Jasmine or chrysanthemum tea, which AIDS the digestion.吃这种甜腻的食物最好是就着一杯中国茶,特别是茉莉花茶或是菊花茶,这样可。