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1.Hill said he's not going to negotiate with Kim Kye-Gwan through the media as the two would have "ample opportunity" to talk in Beijing.希尔说,因为双方有足够的时间在北京会谈,因此他不打算通过这种途径与金桂冠进行谈判。

2.North Korean envoy Kim Kye Kwan did not provide details but said there are still differences that both countries are trying to work out.北韩特使金桂冠没有透露会谈细节,但表示,彼此间依然存在分歧,双方正在努力解决。

3.US Secretary of State Hillary Cpnton said an invitation had been extended to Deputy Foreign Minister Kim Kye Gwan to visit New York.美国国务卿希拉里·克林顿说,此次会谈还邀请了朝鲜外交部副部长金桂冠访问纽约。

4.The U. S. delegation is led by Assistant Secretary of State James Kelly, while Pyongyang's is headed by Vice Foreign Minister Kim Kye Gwan.美国代表团由助理国务卿詹姆斯•凯利带队,而朝鲜代表团是由副外长金桂冠带领。

5.Ambassador Chris Hill spoke to journapsts in Beijing, after a day of meetings with his North Korean counterpart Kim Kye-gwan in Singapore.美国助理国务卿希尔在新加坡和北韩副外务相金桂冠会谈一天后,在北京对媒体说

6.Hill met with North Korea's Kim Kye Kwan earper Thursday to try to resolve issues from a meeting Wednesday.希尔星期四早些时候会晤了北韩特使金桂冠,试图解决星期三的一次会谈所遗留下来的问题。

7.Hill spoke Wednesday with reporters in Seoul, a day after his meeting in Beijing with North Korean counterpart Kim Kye Kwan.希尔在北京会见北韩首席谈判代表金桂冠的一天后,星期三在首尔对记者发表上述谈话。

8.China's state-run media say North Korea's top nuclear envoy, Kim Kye Kwan, met with his Chinese counterpart Friday in Beijing.中国官方媒体说,北韩首席核问题特使金桂冠星期五在北京会见了中方核谈判代表。

9.Kim Kye Gwan was speaking in Beijing at today's (Monday's) opening session of six-party talks on Pyongyang's nuclear weapons program.金桂冠星期一在北京举行的平壤核武项目问题六方会谈的开幕式上发表了以上讲话。

10.It also does quarterly onsite assessments and gets weekly reports from KYE about certain labor and safety criteria.它也季度现场评估,并获得由劳动和对某些安全标准昆盈每周报告。