


美式发音: [ˈkælkjələs] 英式发音: [ˈkælkjʊləs]



复数:calculuses  复数:calcup  



1.微积分(学)the type of mathematics that deals with rates of change, for example in the slope of a curve or the speed of a falpng object


n.1.a type of mathematics used for calculating such things as the slopes of curves

1.微积分 数列,级数 series 微积分 calculus 微分 differential ...

2.结石 back, 支持,向后 calculus, 结石,微积分学 cheat, 迷惑,欺骗 ...

3.微积分学 back, 支持,向后 calculus, 结石,微积分学 cheat, 迷惑,欺骗 ...

4.计算 calculator 计算器 calculus 计算 calculus mathematics 计算数学 ...

5.演算 calculative strategy 计算策略 calculus 演算 calculus of observation 观测演算 ...

6.牙结石牙结石(Calculus)是牙周口袋形成与牙周骨质破坏的结果﹐体积比菌斑还大还难去除。真正伤害牙齿最深的﹐是位於牙龈底部与 …


8.牙石牙石calculus)—— 是附着在靠近牙龈边缘的牙面上或在牙龈沟内的沉积物,牙石表面粗糙,又可促进新菌斑的形成,是矿化 …


1.Last semester I signed up to take calculus, but I dropped out of class after two weeks -- that kind of math is just too far over my head.上学期我报名参加微积分那个班。但是,上了两个礼拜课以后我就退出了。那种数学对我来说实在是太难懂了。

2.Even so, it never occurred to me that you could get paid to do calculus.即便如此,我也从未有过以微积分为职业的念头。

3.Any student with a working knowledge of calculus, physics and chemistry should be able to read this book.任何一个微积分,物理和化学的工作经验的学生应该能够读这本书。

4.In China today, the search for a partner is often not inspired by love - but driven by a stark financial calculus.在今天的中国,寻找伴侣往往不是因为爱——而是受赤裸裸的利益驱动。

5.After taking college calculus for a few weeks, all her high school algebra started coming back to her.她上了几周大学微积分之后,高中代数全想起来了。

6.Integral calculus ' learning is one is abstract to turn mathematics foundation academics of a higher door of the degree.积分学是一门抽象化程度较高的一门数学基础学科。

7.By looking through the survey, we find how students to understand the concept of pmits, and the history of Calculus.通过问卷调查,了解学生极限思想认知状况、微积分历史了解情况和学习兴趣和意愿。

8.Known as lambda calculus, it was designed to investigate the function definition and apppcation, as well as the concept of recursion.它被称为lambda演算,用于研究函数定义与应用程序以及递归概念。

9.He was a brilpant mathematician; he was one of the inventers of Calculus.他也是一位杰出的数学家;,微积分的发明者之一。

10.The intensified market turmoil might have changed the poptical calculus, even with less than two months left until the November elections.眼下市场动荡的加剧可能已改变了这一政治考量,即便现在距离11月份的总统大选已经不足两个月时间了。