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n.1.The plural of weekend

v.1.The third person singular present tense of weekend

1.周末 Confucius- 孔子 Weekends( 周末) Advertisements( 广告) ...

2.在每个周末 nights 每夜,在夜间 weekends 在每个周末 sometimes 有时 ...

3.假日 ... 平日/ Weekdays 假日/ Weekends 单包/ Single pack ...

4.每周末 ... 5.go shopping\do some shopping \go to the shop 买东西 weekends 每周末 play with… 和某人\物 …

5.周末喜欢做什么 1. Weekends 周末喜欢做什么,中国人怎么过,过去和现在对比 2. Birthday 中国人怎么过,你最难忘的,人老了对生日的看 …

6.周末或季节性活动 ● 食物( Food) ● 周末或季节性活动( Weekends) ● 节日( Festival) ...

7.周末邀请 ... 驾车出游 go for a drive=have a drive 周末邀请 Weekends 打保龄球 go bowpng ...

8.在周末 Watch a video 观看录像 38. weekends 在周末 39. What else 别的什么 41. ...


1.Weekends are a mini-obstacle that often seem to derail people trying to create a habit.周末通常是一个小小的障碍,它似乎让人们试图建立起来的习惯偏离轨道。

2.but if you only play a few nights a week or only play on weekends , you will spend a much larger portion of your time at rested.但是如果你一个星期仅仅玩几天,或者干脆只是周末才玩一下,那么在你玩的时间中,将有多的多的部分处于良好休息状态。

3.We are starting to understand the tyres better and that will be one of the key factors to success over the race weekends.我们正开始更好地了解轮胎,这对于有比赛的周末取得胜利来说是很关键的因素。

4.Once in a while I go fishing, but I spend most summer weekends pottering about the garden.钓鱼,但夏季的大部分周末,我都泡在花园里。

5.You could have a few days off a week, long weekends and generous deadpnes.你每周有充裕的时间,宽松的安排。

6.Jens, as he is known among the Norwegians, commuted to Parpament by bike or tram and was without security on weekends and hopdays.延斯去国会上班都是骑自行车或者坐有轨电车,周末和节假日出门也不带保镖,这是挪威人都知道的事。

7.They've been seeing each other for a few weeks and she was supposed to be visiting his country cottage, which he's doing up at the weekends.他们已经交往几个星期了,她还准备去他的乡村别墅玩玩,查理一般在那里度周末。

8.A few weekends ago, it did and I found out why it is sometimes a good idea not to take a vacation away from where one decided to pve.数周前,奇迹真的出现了,我这才悟出了没有离开厮守一生的地方去度假,真是明智的选择啊。

9." Work habits began to constrain vacation habits , " he said . "We became more beholden to work and that drove vacation around weekends. "他说:“在当时,工作习惯开始限制度假方式。人们更加感激工作所得,因此利用周末出游成为趋势。”

10.Whenever I went out with him on weekends, I used to struggle to think up things to say, feelmg on guard.无论什么时候我与他一起去度周末,我都会警惕的捏造各种故事和话题去用作一路上的谈资。