




1.街 ... 巴勃罗. 伯纳尔 Pablo 卡雷哈 Calle 何塞. 拉蒙 José Ramón ...

3.哥伦比亚 ZONE N.V( 库拉索岛) CALLE哥伦比亚) PTE.LTD( 新加坡) ...

4.卡勒 每个人都有自己的电影 Chacun son cinema 街传奇 Calle 觉醒之年 The Year of Awakenin…

6.卡尔勒 5 佩蒂恩( Dani Pendin) 卡尔勒( calle) 瓦瑞( Vara) ...

7.凯乐 8、迪乐·香蕉 DILEMA 10、凯乐 CALLE 3、卡伯纳 CARBONAC2010 ...


1.Back in Colombia, Ms. Calle says re-winning her medal 14 months after losing it was 'more emotional' than winning it the first time.而在哥伦比亚,卡耶表示,奖牌在14个月后失而复得让她的心情比当初获奖时还要激动。

2.Menierva, a woman who sells pizzas at her front door next to the ministry on Havana's Calle Obispo, said that her sales were rising.在哈瓦那CalleObispo街上,一名妇女Menierva在财政部旁的自家前门出售披萨,她表示披萨的销路正在攀高。

3.Calle Ocho is an enormous street party, and entire streets are blocked off to make room for music, dance, visual arts, food and other fun!CalleOcho是一个大型的街道派对,节庆举办时,整条街都会封锁起来,街上充斥了音乐、舞蹈、视觉艺术、食物及其他的有趣事物!

4.On Calle Lavalle in Buenos Aires's cinema district, crowds throng shops, theaters, restaurants.在布宜洛斯艾利斯拉瓦勒大街的电影院区,商店里,剧场里,餐馆里到处都是人。

5.These series shows how Sophie Calle produces playful frameworks of rules, which she strictly follows.这些系列显示索菲产生好玩框架列的规则,她严格遵守。

6.In Miami, Florida, there is a large Cuban American population, and every year they have a Calle Ocho festival.佛罗里达州的迈阿密住有相当多的古巴籍美国人,每年他们都会举办CalleOcho节。

7.Dr Yuan grows what is calle super hyrid rice.袁博士的增长是什么列超级大米。

8.The answer is to open the economy and let foreign competition force Mexican firms to adapt, bepeves Mr de la Calle.德拉卡莱先生(delaCalle)认为,答案就是开放经济并让国外的竞争迫使墨西哥公司适应。

9.airpne: A business providing a system of scheduled air transport. In this sense, also calle d airway航空公司:提供固定航空运送系统的公司也作在此意义上也可称作

10.No more advice from my so calle friends不会有所谓的朋友的建议