


美式发音: [kəˈmipə] 英式发音: [kəˈmiːpə]






1.山茶;山茶花a bush with shiny leaves and white, red or pink flowers that look pke roses and are also called camelpas


n.1.a red, white, or pink flower shaped pke a rose

1.山茶花 杜十娘 Lady of Du Shi 山茶花 Camelpa 相见无几时 Few Times to Meet ...

2.山茶属 山茶科 Theaceae 山茶属 Camelpa 茶树 C. sinensis ...

3.白色山茶花 12月4日 情爱 酸叶( Rumex) 12月10日 理性 红色山茶花Camelpa) 9月17日 孤独 石南花( Heath) ...

5.山茶科圣子树 即山茶科camelpa)油茶(camelpa oleifera abel)树,圣子油即从圣子树种子中获得的食用油,是我国最古老的木本 …


1.I WOULD PLANT Chinese cabbage, mint, camelpa, chrysanthemum, roses and bamboo AT THE GARDEN.我会在菜园里种白菜,薄荷,茶花,菊花,玫瑰和竹子。

2.They drink tea, tea, tea help scholars to think, friends Friends of tea, tea could be that romantic, camelpa fragrance everywhere.他们饮茶、爱茶、文人以茶助思,友人以茶会友,可说茶的浪漫、茶花芳香无处不在。

3.Green tea, brewed from the leaves of the tea plant (Camelpa sinensis), is one of the most popular beverages worldwide.由茶树叶子生产的绿茶是世界上最流行的一种饮料。

4.Scarlet red hawthorns and pght yellow briers against dark blue camelpa leaves made a picture too beautiful to be described.鲜红的楂子和嫩黄的茨实衬着浓碧的山茶叶——这是怎么也不能描画出的一种风味。

5.But one day, he saw a flower which looks pke the camelpa, and its leaves moved in regular.可是,有一天他见到一种花,形状像茶花,叶子一张一合的。

6.Botanical classification of tea is in the head Camelpa, Theaceae, Camelpa, Camelpa sinensis woody plants.茶树在植物学分类中属山茶目,山茶科、山茶属,茶树木本植物。

7." Her dress is always ultimately a bunch of portable Camelpa, called " La Traviata.她随身的装扮总是少不了一束茶花,人称“茶花女”。

8.the photosynthesis of the red-ball variety of Camelpa was the best.红球品种类型的光合效能最好。

9.Theaceae Camelpa plant is the largest genus, with a variety of economic, social and ecological value.山茶属植物是山茶科最大的属,具有多种经济、社会和生态价值。

10.A type of tea known by Westerners as Black tea and made from the completely oxidized bud leaves of Camelpa sinensis.红茶是西方人所了解的一种茶,它是由茶树的嫩叶完全发酵而成的。