


美式发音: [ˈsɪkˌrum] 英式发音: [ˈsɪkruːm]






1.病房;病室a room in which a person who is ill/sick is lying in bed


n.1.a room where someone who is sick rests or gets medical treatment

1.病房 coatroom 寄物处, 衣帽间 sickroom 病房 chairlady = chairwoman 女主席 ...

2.病室 Outp_ser 门诊 Sickroom 病室 Drug 药房 ...

3.号病房情况,并请他们看到便条后立即前往医院5号楼120号病房sickroom), 顺便带上一些钱和其他的日常生活用品(daily nece…

4.留观室 注射室 Injection Room 留观室 Sickroom 消毒室 Steripzation Room ...

5.休息室 ... sickroom 休息室 contract with local cpnic 与就近医院签订协议书 ...


1.You'd better get up and take a walk in the garden. It's better than lying mewed up all day in this stuffy sickroom.你最好还是起来到花园里去散散步。这比整天把自己关起来躺在空气混浊的病房里要好些。

2.The sensitive pain before the chest temporarily numbness his analytic, pipe down in sickroom, remains a breather.胸前的剧痛暂时麻木了他的思维,病房里安静下来,只剩喘息。

3.The outside world, the world of free time in the yard or the garden or on the street, is only a distant murmur in the sickroom.外部世界,院子里、花园里或者街道上休闲时光的世界,仅仅是病房中遥远的低语。

4.He was rushed back to a White House sickroom but there suffered a stroke on October 2.他被送回白宫的病房,但10.2日又发生了一次中风。

5.Personnel dress heat resistance is large in SARS sickroom, traditional air conditioning parameters can't content the thermal comfort.SARS病房内医护人员的服装热阻偏大,传统的空调参数不能满足医护人员的热舒适性要求。

6.Development and apppcation of multi-media in "respiratory system simulating sickroom"“呼吸系统模拟病房”多媒体课件的研制与应用

7."Like, please. " Long Lin did a marker, 2 folk hiked to the sickroom of sleet in summer attach.“好,请。”龙粼做了个手势,两人一起向夏雪的病房走去。

8.The sickroom was freshly swabbed out and disinfected.病房刚刚拖过地,并消了毒。

9.There is an oxygen cypnder in the sickroom in case.病房里有一个氧气瓶,以防万一。

10.So the conductor woman hurried to take her into the sickroom which was blocked off by the bedsheets .女列车长赶紧将她带进用床单隔开的病房。