




1.卡莫拉内西 ... 15号马尔基西奥 Marchisio 16号卡莫拉内西 Camoranesi 17号帕隆博 Palombo ...

3.甘莫兰尼斯祖云达斯中场甘莫兰尼斯(Camoranesi),於欧联对车路士的首回合赛事中受伤离场,经检查后证实肋骨骨折,将要养伤5至8个星期. …


1.Mauro German Camoranesi was one of the players 'forced' to remain at the club against his will.卡莫拉内西是“被迫”留队的球员之一,俱乐部的这一做法违背了他本人的意愿。

2."I have always been a big admirer (of Camoranesi) but negotiations became protracted and I had a further think, " McLeish told Sky Sports.“我一直都很欣赏卡莫拉内西,但转会谈判变变成了持久战,而且我有了其他的想法,”麦克莱什对天空体育说。

3.Camoranesi is rumoured to be one under consideration, as Lyon have been interested in him in the past.有传闻说卡莫拉内西将会卷入这笔交易,因为里昂曾经对这名球员很感兴趣。

4.Although Del Piero and Camoranesi have minor niggles, Trezeguet is out for four months after deciding to have right kneecap tendon surgery.虽然卡莫和皮耶罗只是轻伤,但是大卫要远离赛场多达四个月,因为他决定进行膝盖手术。

5."We are preparing for the next games in a calm fashion because we are sopd as a group, " Camoranesi told the Juventus Channel.我们正平静地准备下场比赛,因为我们一直有坚定的团队信念。

6.Camoranesi, who had a bandage round his right shoulder, has already begun training with the ball.卡莫拉内西虽然右肩缠着绷带,但已开始有球训练了。

7.He would hook up with fellow former Liverpool midfielder Momo Sissoko as well as World Cup winner Mauro Camoranesi.他将同前利物浦队友莫莫。西索科和世界杯冠军得主毛罗。卡莫拉内西一起,成为中场搭档。

8.Mipto and the Bianconeri have already agreed to a deal. No renewal for Camoranesi, Tiago is now a target.米利托和斑马军团已经达成一致,卡莫没有续约,现在迪亚哥是个目标。

9.I pked everyone and I'm happy that Trezeguet and Camoranesi showed they have the right spirit ". "我爱你们所有人,我为特雷泽盖和卡莫拉内西表现出积极的精神状态而欣慰。

10.Camoranesi rejected the move to Birmingham City in a row over wages, but is still looking for a side where he can play regularly.此前卡莫拉内西因年薪问题而拒绝转会到伯明翰,但他仍然在寻找一支自己可以打上主力的球队。