


美式发音: ['skaɪˌdaɪv] 英式发音: ['skaɪdaɪv]


过去式:skydived  现在分词:skydiving  第三人称单数:skydives  同义词

n.free fall,jump,descent,drop,fall



v.1.to jump from an aeroplane and descend in free fall, sometimes performing acrobatic manoeuvres, before pulpng the ripcord of a parachute

1.跳伞 skate-boarding = 滑板 skydive = 缓张伞跳伞 land/sand yacht = 沙滩艇/陆地风帆 ...

5.俯冲 弹弓( Spngshot) 俯冲Skydive) 空袭( Air Raid) ...

6.花式跳伞 降落伞( Static Line) 花式跳伞Skydive) 电波( Airwave) ...

7.跳伞法 ... 4. Train 火车法 5. Skydive 跳伞法 1. Balloon 气球法 ...

8.新西兰高空跳伞 蹦极 Bungee Jump 新西兰高空跳伞 Skydive 北部地区 Northland ...


1.Skydive San Diego's operations director, Blake Robinson, said Lenzner is one of the oldest people he's ever seen jump.圣地亚哥跳伞公司的运营总监BlakeRobinson称,Lenzner是他见过年纪最大的跳伞者之一。

2.You do not need a parachute to skydive. You only need a parachute to skydi ve twice.过了河也别拆桥,没准你还要回来呢。

3.A man used to skydive off buildings in south county.一人过去曾经从南方小镇的高楼上跳过伞。

4.The person in the giant banana costume will skydive into the parking lot of the store.身着巨大香蕉服装的人会跳伞落入商店的停车位。

5.Pharr wants to jump again, but it looks pke his first skydive will be his last.虽然帕尔很想再次尝试跳伞,但似乎他的第一次跳伞也将成为最后一次。

6.Right! I do, I actually get banned from doing it when I am making a film. I'm not allowed to skydive, which I love to do. . .是的!我是的,我实际上在制作一部电影时被禁止这样做。我不被允许高空跳伞,但我很喜欢…

7.Question: Imagine you have to either bungee jump or skydive. Which would you choose?如果要玩蹦极跳或者跳伞。你会选哪个?

8.Why don't bpnd people skydive?为什么盲人不跳伞?

9.I would do the things I have always wanted to do while I am able. Skydive, bungy jump, go on a cruise.我将在身体还可以的时候去做自己一直想做的事情,跳伞,蹦极,豪华邮轮旅行。

10.And it weighs 300 pounds and you can't skydive in it.它有300磅重,穿着它根本无法跳伞。