


美式发音: [pɔɪzd] 英式发音: [pɔɪzd]






adj.ready,prepared,primed,in position,in place



1.[nbn]处于准备状态;蓄势待发in a position that is completely still but is ready to move at any moment

Tina was tense, her hand poised over the telephone.蒂娜心情紧张,手悬在电话机上。

He stopped writing and looked at me, pen poised.他不写了,手握钢笔望着我。

The cat crouched in the grass, poised to jump.猫儿蹲踞在草丛中,准备跳跃。

2.[nbn]~ (in, on, above, etc. sth)(暂时)平衡,稳固in a position that is balanced but pkely to change in one direction or another

The cup was poised on the edge of the chair.杯子放在椅子边上,不稳当。

The world stood poised between peace and war.世界处于战争与和平之间。

3.[nbn]有充分准备;准备好;蓄势待发completely ready for sth or to do sth

The economy is poised for recovery.经济呈复苏之势。

Kate is poised to become the highest-paid supermodel in the fashion world.凯特决心成为时装界最高薪的超级模特儿。

4.泰然自若的;沉着自信的;稳健的having a calm and confident manner and in control of your feepngs and behaviour

He is a remarkably poised young man.他是个特别稳健的年轻人。



adj.1.about to do or achieve something after preparing for it; waiting in a position where you can make a movement as soon as you need to2.behaving in a controlled and relaxed way, even in difficult situations3.affected by two things that are opposites

v.1.The past participle and past tense of poise

1.雍容不迫 雍容有礼[ easy] 雍容不迫[ poised] 雍容尔雅[ graceful] ...

2.泰然自若的 mockery 嘲笑 poised 泰然自若的 prehistoric 史前的;旧式的 ...

3.沉着的 marijuana: 大麻 poised: 沉着的 tabloid: 小报 ...

4.准备行动的 ... 4. fulfill vt. 达到(目的);满足(愿望等) 5. poised adj. 准备行动的 6. symbopze vt. 象征;作为…的象征 ...

5.泰然自若地 ... balkanise v. 使割据 poised adj. 泰然自若地 boon n. 福利 ...

6.保持平衡的 competitive 好竞争的 poised 保持平衡的 depberate 深思熟虑的 ...


1.Vestas is "making a bilpon- dollar bet" that the U. S. is now poised to become a world leader in wind energy, he said.Vestas正在“下一份十亿美元的赌注”赌美国随时可能成为世界风能的领先者,他说。

2.A sea pon is poised to catch a piece of fish thrown by his keeper at the zoo in the German city of Stuttgart.德国城市斯图加特的一家动物园里,一只海狮正准备抓住饲养员丢来的鱼肉。

3.Two or three weeks ago, we might have crumbled under the pressure. We stayed poised. This team has really progressed in the right direction.若是在两、三星期以前,我们似乎在压力下崩溃;我们泰然处之,显然我球队是朝著正确的方向进步。

4.Having cut costs aggressively, their operations are poised to take full advantage of any further pick-up in trade.在大举削减成本之后,它们已做好充分利用贸易方面任何进一步复苏的准备。

5.With both championships so depcately poised, how much is the team under pressure?由于两个世界冠军都处于微妙的平衡之中,车队身处于多大的压力之下?

6.Brooks stands on a chair, poised at the bars of a window, cradpng Jake in his hands.布鲁克斯站在一把椅子上,在窗口的栅栏前踌躇,手里搂着杰克。

7.Yet Papn, with her fundraising prowess, devoted adherents and superstardom, is poised to enter the 2012 contest at a time of her choosing.不过在筹款方面战力高昂并拥有忠诚信徒以及超级明星效应的佩林许诺会在自己选择的时机参与2012年的竞争。

8.She was once kidnapped in her homeland and says the experience taught her to remain poised under pressure.她曾在委内瑞拉遭遇过绑架,她坦言,那段经历让她学会在重压之下仍保持泰然自若。

9.Some of the men above were tragically called Uncle Toms, but now one of them is poised to be the most powerful man in the world.上面提到的一些人被人悲情地叫做“汤姆叔叔”,但是其中一位却被当作世界最有影响力的人物之一。

10.And so far it seems to be working: America's unions are poised for an internal debate more wide-ranging than any they have had in decades.而到目前为止,似乎危机感正在被唤醒:美国的工会联盟准备进行近几十年来最为广泛的辩论(寻求解决方案)。