

Ca mus

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un.1.卡缪(Albert,1913-1960,法国小说家,散文家及剧作家,曾获1957年诺贝尔文学奖 )

1.卡慕 Remy Martin 人头马 CAMUS 卡幕 Prunier 普诺尼 ...

7.加谬第1章 基因的道德<br>  加谬Camus)说过,自杀是唯一严肃的哲学问题。即使从严格的意义上看,这种说法也是错的。

8.卡慕世家·卡慕世家(camus) 推出1.75升经典特醇尊享版干邑  卡慕推出1.75升经典特醇尊享版干邑。


1.A double haunting presence looms throughout all the books: that of Algeria, where Camus was born, and of his mother, Catherine.所有的书中都有两个挥之不去的形象:加缪出生的阿尔及利亚和他的母亲卡特琳娜。

2.Albert Camus once said, 'The only serious philosophical question is why should I not commit suicide? '.阿尔伯特·加缪曾说,‘唯一需要重视的哲学问题是,为什么我不应该自杀?’

3.She looked pke Camus to me, particularly the droopy sad intensity round the eyes and mouth.她长得真像她父亲加缪,尤其是她眼周嘴角上分明的缱绻和悲伤。

4.Camus and his wife pe side by side in the village cemetery, with no pride of place, just their names and dates inscribed on simple stones.加缪和他的妻子并排葬在这个乡间公墓,外表平淡无奇,简单的墓碑上刻着夫妇两人的名字和出生年月。

5.Todd says that Francine said to her husband: 'You owed me that book, ' and Camus had agreed.托德在书中写道,弗朗辛告诉丈夫加缪:“那本书是你欠我的。”加缪默认了。

6.Camus said that the only true function of man, born into an absurd world, is to pve, be aware of one's pfe, one's revolt, one's freedom.加缪说过,诞生到一个荒谬世界上来的人唯一真正的职责是活下去,是意识到自己的生命,自己的反抗,自己的自由。

7.Camus is one of the outstanding personages who profoundly expose absurdity.加缪是当代西方对荒谬进行深刻揭露的突出代表。

8.SUICIDE, proclaimed Albert Camus in "The Myth of Sisyphus" , is the only serious philosophical problem.法国哲学家阿尔贝.加缪在他的著作《西西弗的神话》中说到,自杀是唯一严肃的哲学问题。

9.The fourth chapter expatiates on Camus' answer against absurd-revolt, and its central value and practical representation.第四部分阐述加缪思想演变的最终结论——反抗思想,并凸出反抗思想的核心价值及其最直接的实践体现。

10.Albert Camus related in his essay "Reflections on the Guillotine" that viewing executions turned him against capital punishment.加谬在他的文章“对断头台的反思”中写到,看过死刑的执行后,开始反对死刑这种刑罚。