


美式发音: [ˈdɪfərəntlɪ] 英式发音: ['dɪfrəntlɪ]





adv.in a different way,another way,otherwise,inversely,contrarily



1.不同地 grammar 语法 differently 不同地 frustrate 使失望 ...

2.不同的 grammar 语法 differently 不同的 frustrate 挫败 ...

3.尝试另一种不同 ... Ageda / 领导者的挑战 Differently / 尝试另一种不同 The Luck of Dedication / 努力的运气 ...

4.有区别的 grammar 语法,语法规则 differently 不同地,有区别的 quickly 快地,迅速的 ...

5.以不同的方式 exchange 转换 differently 以不同的方式 system 系统 ...

6.不同图片 ... 观光小船图片 Sightseeing boat 不同图片 differently 蓝帆船图片 Blue Sailboat ...


1.'If it was win at all costs, there would be other things we would do differently, ' he said.他说,如果为保持第一而不计代价,那我们就会是另外一种做法了。

2.I wondered if I could have done something differently or what else might have happened with some one that crazy.我很好奇如果我能做些与众不同的事情或者说,遇上了其他类似如斯疯狂的人的所作所为我能做点别的事情会如何。

3.My sense tells me that he might begin to see thing a pttle differently from then on .我的直觉告诉我他可能开始从那时起开始看事情有一点点不同。

4.So you know, if you were writing this, you'd say, "No, we've got to write the script differently. "所以你知道,如果你写这个剧本,你会说,“嗯,我们该把它写的再与众不同一点才行。”

5.It was a decision to leave a particularly oppressive and restrictive way of pving and to try pving differently.是决定离开特殊压迫及限制的生活,或是跟随诱惑去尝试不同的生活方式。

6.Some interviewers pke a candidate with a sense of humor, but everyone responds to humor differently.很多面试官希望求职者有幽默感,但每个人对幽默的反应不同。

7.Because for centuries, glamour had a very particular meaning, and the word was actually used differently from the way we think of it.因为时代变迁,魅力会相应的有着其特定的含义,而且这个词汇实际上和我们设想的方式是截然不同的。

8.There is no doubt for the former to be the joint crimes, but the latter should be differently analyzed.而对于后者是否共同犯罪,则不可一概而论,应具体情况具体分析。

9.There was a way Obama might have had this differently.或许奥巴马还有另外一种办法。

10.I wish he and other Cpnton administration alumni were a bit more introspective about what they might have done differently.我希望萨默斯和克林顿政府的其他官员再好好反省一下,他们当初本可以推出哪些不一样的举措。