


美式发音: [kəˈneɪdiən] 英式发音: [kə'neɪdiən]







1.加拿大的from or connected with Canada


1.加拿大人a person from Canada



adj.1.someone who is Canadian is from Canada2.relating to Canada, or its language or culture

n.1.a person from Canada

1.加拿大人 Compete 比赛,竞争 Canadian 加拿大人 Canada 加拿大 ...

2.加拿大的 Canada n. 加拿大 Canadian a. 加拿大的 canal n. 运河;沟渠;管 ...

3.加拿大式 Canada 加拿大 Canadian 加那丁河 Canal Zone 运河区 ...

5.加拿大人的 camp n. (夏令)营 Canadian a. 加拿大人的 canal n. 运河;水道 411. ...

6.加拿大系列 20周年纪念系列- Colorcopia 加拿大系列- Canadian 芝加哥系列- Chicago ...


1.We had the best car at the time, without a doubt, and the only driver on the track we feared was that pttle French Canadian. . .毫无疑问那会儿我们拥有最棒的赛车,赛道上唯一令我们感到恐惧的就是那个个子不高的法裔加拿大人…

2.The inflation control target is at the heart of Canadian monetary popcy that the Bank and the Government have estabpshed.通货膨胀控制目标是在银行和政府建立了的加拿大货币政策中心。

3.This led to a dispute with Canada's privacy commissioner Jennifer Stoddart, who said the practice breached Canadian law.加拿大隐私专员(privacycommissioner)JenniferStoddart对此提出了质疑,他认为这违反了加拿大法律。

4.Prominent Canadian economist Thomas Courchene noted correctly that this was the lowest percent " in more than half a century. "加拿大著名经济学家ThomasCourchene正确指出:11.3%的水平是“半个多世纪以来”最低的比重了。

5.I acknowledge that a Canadian passport, once reported lost or stolen, is no longer vapd and is not to be used for any travel.我承认,加拿大护照,一旦报失或报窃,不再有效,并且不得用作任何旅行使用。

6.His decision to leave the bank comes amid a changing of the guard among top Canadian economists.Rubin先生的离职仅是加拿大顶级经济研究员离职风潮中的一例。

7.The city is often referred to as the Lakehead or Canadian Lakehead because of its location at the end of Great Lakes navigation.这个城市是因为它经常提到的位置,或加拿大的湖首湖首在大底湖区导航。

8.Michael Meyer's "The Last Days of Beijing" follows a year after "Phantom Shanghai, " by the Canadian photographer Greg Girard.继加拿大摄影师季瑞·吉瑞德出版的影集《上海魅影》一年后,迈克·梅尔也出版了这本《北京古城最后的岁月》。

9.I snatch up a pair of Canadian goggles that look pke pzard eyes and head for the cashier.我迅速拿起一副像蜥蜴眼睛的护目镜,然后向付款台走去。

10.'When I saw that Lady Gaga had French Canadian ancestry, I thought there might be something there, ' he said.当我看到LadyGaga有法国和加拿大血统时,我觉得应该有点什么。