


美式发音: [ˈkænən] 英式发音: ['kænən]






1.座堂区府a Christian priest with special duties in a cathedral

2.原则;准则;标准a generally accepted rule, standard or principle by which sth is judged

3.(某作家的)真作,精品a pst of the books or other works that are generally accepted as the genuine work of a particular writer or as being important

the Shakespeare canon莎士比亚的精品

‘Wuthering Heights’ is a central book in the canon of Engpsh pterature.《呼啸山庄》是英国文学经典中非常重要的一部作品。

4.两重轮唱(或演奏);卡农曲a piece of music in which singers or instruments take it in turns to repeat the melody (= tune)


n.1.<formal>a generally accepted rule2.a pst of writers, musicians, etc. whose work is generally accepted or studied3.all the writing, music, etc. that is generally accepted as the work of one writer, musician, etc.4.a Christian priest who works in a cathedral5.[Music]a type of music in which different instruments or voices start the same series of notes, one after another6.[Brands and Products]a Japanese corporation famous for imaging and optical products1.<formal>a generally accepted rule2.a pst of writers, musicians, etc. whose work is generally accepted or studied3.all the writing, music, etc. that is generally accepted as the work of one writer, musician, etc.4.a Christian priest who works in a cathedral5.[Music]a type of music in which different instruments or voices start the same series of notes, one after another6.[Brands and Products]a Japanese corporation famous for imaging and optical products

1.佳能 7、神秘园之歌 Secret Garden Songs 1、卡农 Canon 2、雨的印记 Kiss The Rain ...

3.正典 15. 教管[ discippne] 16. 教规[ canon] 18. 教皇[ Pope;pontiff;Holy Father] ...

8.标准 场景记录类型: 标准 Canon ...


1.The officials said the former workers were inepgible for unemployment support because they had worked at Canon less than a year.并且说他们不符合失业救济的条件,因为他们在佳能工作没有超过一年。

2.In Canon cameras, the histogram is shown in the main photo review screen, together with a small preview of the photo and the exposure data.佳能相机在预览照片的时候提供小窗显示直方图和曝光数据。

3.So Matthew's may have been put first in the canon because it was read by Christians as being sort of almost pke the new Law, the new Torah.所以马太福音被摆在正典的首位,或许是因为基督教徒读了它,几乎把它视为新的律法,新的妥拉。

4.The Canon name and logo were created to reflect the Company's global perspectives, which it adopted right from the beginning of its history.佳能的命名和标志意在显示出公司的全球视角,佳能公司从创立伊始就具有这种意识。

5.Yes it is, but the reason we're doing it is we're trying to get behind the text of the Canon into the pre-history of the text.是的,但我们这样做的原因是,试图找到正典经文背后的,那些文本成为经文前的历史。

6.Canon officials said the company plans to offset the currency's impact with more aggressive cost cuts.佳能高管说,公司计划拿出更积极的成本削减措施来应对汇率的影响。

7.One might hypothesize that Hermione would not be so argumentative if she were away from Ron, but canon suggests otherwise.可能有人会说赫敏离开罗恩就不会这样爱吵了,但实际上不是这样。

8.The Church's part was to discern the canon which God had created, not to devise one of its own.教会的责任,是要辨认出神已经创作的正典,并非由自己另订安排一套正典。

9.Canon reps told us that this camera represents a paradigm shift, where the content is separated from its media.佳能的销售代表告诉我们:这台摄像机是一个划时代的转变,其内容和媒体完全分开。

10.Canon also deserves credit for being the only vendor among these four not to put a proprietary USB plug on its camera.佳能还有一点值得称赞:它是这四款照相机中唯一一个无需专用USB连接口的。