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网络释义:亚太航空中心(Centre for Asia Pacific Aviation);纠正和预防措施(corrective and preventive action);卡帕



1.亚太航空中心(Centre for Asia Pacific Aviation)亚太航空中心Capa)上周发布的一份报告预计,与去年同期相比,中国与菲律宾之间的航空公司客运量10月将下降17%,而1…

2.纠正和预防措施(corrective and preventive action)根据纠正和预防措施CAPA)方面的要求,形成一套完整的趋势报告可能需要八周以上的时间。但不幸的是,在制定和确认趋 …

3.卡帕那天为了要买战地摄影鼻祖卡帕(CAPA)著写的『失焦--战地摄影手记』,还一时控制不住买了一堆其他的摄影书籍,而纪实摄 …

4.纠正与预防措施纠正与预防措施capa) 2p doc3预防措施处理单 2p doc偏差/不合格处理单 偏差/不合格处理单 4p doc流程过程介绍 4p doc变 …



1.In John Szarkowski's seminal book, "The Photographer's Eye, " Robert Capa is referred to as "the great war photographer. "约翰·萨科夫斯基的重要著作《摄影师之眼》里,罗伯特·卡帕被誉为“最伟大的战地摄影师”。

2.Responsible for raising nonconforming issues, releasing CAPA to relevant dept. and follow up to identify the effectiveness of action taken.负责提出不合格事项,向相关责任部门开出纠正预防措施表,并追踪其行动的有效性。

3.CAPA team will deal with a large number of system operators (including data collection, price negotiation and interior flow completion).CAPA团队将会处理大量的系统集成商(包括数据收集,议价,完成内部流程)。

4."If your pictures aren't good enough, " war photographer Robert Capa used to say, "you aren't close enough. "“如果你的照片拍得不够好,”战地摄影记者罗伯特.卡帕曾经说过,“那是因为离炮火不够近。”

5.and a correlation formula was fitted for specific thermal capa-city with temperature and carbon black loading by least square method.用最小二乘法拟合出比热容与温度和炭黑用量的试验关系式。

6.As Stevenson spoke from the back of a train, Mr. Capa photographed the candidate from behind, with the crowd spreading out before him.史蒂文森在一列火车后部发表讲话,卡帕先生从后面抓拍到这张照片,史蒂文森面前是分散的人群。

7.Responsible for maintaining the CAPA master file, and assigning the tasks internally of the company; 3.负责管理CAPA主文档,并且分配完成CAPA所需要的任务给公司内部的不同部门或人员;

8.OBJECTIVES: To determine the impact of treatment with continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) on atherosclerosis.目的:确定连续气道正压通气(CAPA)治疗对动脉粥样硬化的影响。

9.Robert Capa has been accused of faking the best-known photo of that confpct.罗伯特卡帕被指控伪造这一冲突中那张著名的照片,。

10.CAPA is the largest regional accounting organisation with a geographical area spanning half the globe.CAPA是最大的区域性会计组织,业务区域跨越半个世界。