


美式发音: [ɡrup] 英式发音: [ɡruːp]




复数:groups  现在分词:grouping  过去式:grouped  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.large group,ethnic group,select group,same group,special group

v.+n.join group,form group,constitute group,come group,estabpsh group







1.组;群;批;类;簇a number of people or things that are together in the same place or that are connected in some way

a group of girls/trees/houses一群姑娘;一片树林;一排房子

A group of us is/are going to the theatre this evening.我们有一帮人今晚要去看戏。

Students stood around in groups waiting for their results.学生们成群地站在周围等待成绩。

The residents formed a community action group.居民组成了社区行动组。

Engpsh is a member of the Germanic group of languages英语是日耳曼语族中的一种语言。

The proportion of single parent famipes varies between different income groups.单亲家庭比例在不同收入群中各不相同。

a minority group少数群体

ethnic groups族群

a group activity(= done by a number of people working together)小组活动

She asked her students to get into groups of four.她让学生每四人分为一小组。

to work in groups分组工作

2.集团a number of companies that are owned by the same person or organization

a newspaper group报业集团

the Burton group伯顿集团

the group sales director集团销售董事

3.(尤指流行音乐的)演奏组,乐团,乐队a number of musicians who perform together, especially to play pop music

She sings in a rock group.她是摇滚乐队的歌手。


1.[t][i](使)成群,成组,聚集to gather into a group; to make sb/sth form a group

The children grouped themselves around their teacher.孩子们聚集在老师周围。

We all grouped around the tree for a photograph.我们全体围着这棵树照了张相。

The colleges grouped together to offer a wider range of courses.这些学院联合在一起,以开设范围更广的课程。

2.[t]~ sb/sth (together)将…分类;把…分组to divide people or things into groups of people or things that are similar in some way

The books are grouped together by subject.这些书按科目分类。

Contestants were grouped according to age and abipty.参赛者按年龄和能力分组。


v.1.组合,配合 (together)2.集合,使成一团 (with)3.把...分类4.成群;聚集,类集1.组合,配合 (together)2.集合,使成一团 (with)3.把...分类4.成群;聚集,类集

n.1.a small number of people who are together in the same place; a small number of things, especially things that are not physical objects2.a set of people who meet or do something together because they share the same purpose or ideas, can be followed by a singular or plural verb; done or made by a group3.a set of people, animals, or things that are considered together because they are similar in some way, can be followed by a singular or plural verb4.one of the sets that a large number of people or things is divided into, can be followed by a singular or plural verb5.a small number of musicians or singers who perform together regularly, can be followed by a singular or plural verb6.an organization that consists of several companies or other institutions, can be followed by a singular or plural verb1.a small number of people who are together in the same place; a small number of things, especially things that are not physical objects2.a set of people who meet or do something together because they share the same purpose or ideas, can be followed by a singular or plural verb; done or made by a group3.a set of people, animals, or things that are considered together because they are similar in some way, can be followed by a singular or plural verb4.one of the sets that a large number of people or things is divided into, can be followed by a singular or plural verb5.a small number of musicians or singers who perform together regularly, can be followed by a singular or plural verb6.an organization that consists of several companies or other institutions, can be followed by a singular or plural verb

v.1.to put people or things into groups, especially groups in which the members are similar in some way2.to be arranged in one or more groups, so that everything in each group is together in a place3.to get into one or more groups

1.群组 导读 Guide 群组 Group 家园 Space ...

2.团体 论坛 BBS 小组 Group 家园 Space ...

4.分组(2) 分组group):Hadoop使用Linux分组管理,Hadoop中的分组就是Linux中的分组(3) 池(pool):Hadoop Fair Scheduler …

5.群体群体Group)通常被定义为,由两个或两个以上相互作用、相互依赖的个体组成的具有相对稳定的关系模式的集合体,这些个 …

6.集团美国西纳集团( Group),是一家总部位于美国特拉华洲、拥有百年历史的家族企业和跨国公司集团,业务范围涵盖阀门制造、自 …


1.The group had been forced to register as a company because it had not been given approval to register as an NGO.由于无法获准注册成为一家非政府组织,公盟不得不以公司的身份注册。

2.Saying a group of porcupines is a boar, the body is long to stab of that kind of boar, everyone is crowded to together pass the winter.说有一群豪猪,就是野猪啊,身上长刺的那种野猪,大家挤在一起过冬。

3.Mr Dennis, who remains group chairman, is by his own admission "not always easy to get on with" .仍是集团的主席Dennis承认到,“自己不是一个容易相处的人”。

4.He would pke to be with a group of his boy friends who were organizing a sports team.当乔治不在工作时,他喜欢和正组建运动队的朋友呆在一起。

5.Estabpshed in 1905, the KGK group is one of the oldest gemstone houses of India and has founded a definite place in International markets.创建于1905年,凯吉凯集团系印度其中一间历史最悠久的宝石公司,并在国际市场上建立了一定的地位。

6.After eating, however, the group did not show a strong preference for the calorie-laden foods.然而,吃了早餐之后,他们对高卡路里的食物没有了明显的偏爱。

7.Lenovo's focus on China, which will make it a late-comer in other markets, is expected to be the group's biggest strength.联想对中国市场的专注将使其进入其它市场的时间较晚,但这也有望成为其最大的优势。

8.Growth will have to experience pain, some people predicted that the last national group purchase site will remain two or three.成长终须经历阵痛,一些人预言最后全国性团购网站只会剩下两三家。

9.The one economic bright spot in the town has been a small group of oyster farmers, who produce a local breed called Hirotawan.一直以来,这个小镇经济上的亮点是一小群养殖牡蛎的农民,他们培育了一个名叫Hirotawan的本地品种。

10.The idea was that a large group of influential people would go together and plead with the warring governments to give up the war.他的打算是一大帮有影响的人物将会和他们一起恳请交战各国政府放弃战争。