


网络释义:中国武警(Chinese Armed Popce Force);中国人民武装警察部队;表皮细胞活化肽因子


1.中国武警(Chinese Armed Popce Force)前主要的业务及品牌包括:汽车、摩托车及配件贸易、“全国汽车配件交易会(CAPF)”、“全国摩托车及配件展示交易会(CMPF)…

5.授权代理功能 域名系统( DNS) 认证授权代理功能CAPF) 语音打断( Barge in) ...


1.In terms of these six factors mentioned above, some new ways of building modern CAPF are proposed in this paper.针对上述六个要素,提出武警政治工作现代化建设的主要思路。

2.The Armed Popce service is one of the central tasks of CAPF.武警勤务是中国人民武装警察部队中心工作之一。

3.In the college of CAPF, the teachers'authority is important, but the atmosphere of democracy can still be existed in classroom.军队院校中,教师的权威固然不可缺少,但是民主的氛围同样可以遍及课堂。

4.Science and research management is a significant component of teaching management system of CAPF colleges and universities.武警院校科研学术管理是武警院校教学管理的重要组成部分。

5.CAPF(China Armed Popce Force) is the main strength of the state and government to deal with all kinds of unexpected pubpc cases.中国人民武装警察部队是国家和各级政府应对各类突发性公共事件的主要力量。

6.The paper discusses how to carry the CAPF Law from the angle of the CAPF Law' s system, and the content of the CAPF Law's system in theory.本文是从武警法律体系的角度讨论贯彻实施《人民武装警察法》。从理论的层面讨论有关武警法律体系的内容。

7.The CAPF primary commanding academy students'view on love is the issue the author has paid close attention to.武警初级指挥院校生长干部学员的恋爱观一直是笔者比较关注的问题。

8.The study of building CAPF's transport insurance system is very important to construction of CAPF.认真研究构建武警部队运输安全保障系统,对于武警部队的建设有着十分重要的意义。

9.The Consideration of the CAPF Logistics Material Coding Standardization武警部队后勤物资编码标准化的思考

10.There has been no special research on the love view of the CAPF primary commanding academy students;而关于武警初级指挥院校学员恋爱观的研究还是一个空白。