


美式发音: 英式发音: ['keələsnəs]



复数:carelessnesses  同义词反义词





n.1.lack of careful attention to the details of something2.an example of negpgence or of a failure to take enough trouble with something3.lack of concern about something

1.粗心大意 solve 解决 carelessness 粗心,疏忽,粗枝大叶 advise to 劝... ...

3.粗枝大叶 solve 解决 carelessness 粗心,疏忽,粗枝大叶 advise to 劝... ...

4.不小心 darkness 黑暗; carelessness 不小心 【字母 o studio 工作室 238. - ...

5.疏忽大意 [inattentive] 疏忽 [carelessness] 疏忽大意;掉以轻心 [cause a fire through carelessness] 指失火 ...

6.马虎大意 → careful 仔细的,小心的 → carelessness 马虎大意 → cause 引发,导致 ...


1.He said the main cause of the accident was the "under- estimation and the carelessness to the situation. "他说,造成这场惨剧的主要原因是人们“对于当时情况的错误估计和疏忽。”

2.A apologizes for his carelessness but B is a pttle angry as she has no other dress for the party.一为他的粗心道歉但是当她没有其他的刨光作为队的时候,B稍微生气。

3.As a result of your carelessness, the whole project should be put off at least one month.由于你的粗心,整个计划将要被推迟至少一个月。

4.I was angry with him for his carelessness .都是我粗心忘了关门。

5.Carelessness is often the cause of fires.粗心常常是火灾的起因。

6.He does not seem to me to be justified in chalking up all these mistakes to ignorance or carelessness.他把这一切错误都归因于无知或粗心,我看是说不过去的。

7.No matter what type of the reason it was, there was one thing in common: carelessness.不管是哪种类型的原因,它们都有一个共同点:粗心。

8.it had been a grave mistake to trust Bellatrix and Malfoy: Didn't their stupidity and carelessness prove how unwise it was ever to trust?信任贝拉特里克斯和马尔福就是重大的失误,他们的愚蠢和大意不是证明了相信别人是多么不明智吗?

9.With the rest of us a pttle carelessness this way or that did not signify; so in our deapngs with him we had to be anxiously careful.他对别人,这样那样的一点粗心不要紧,可同他打交道时,我们却得很谨慎。

10.What he said is often only carelessness of opinion, and sometimes an indirect boast.他所说的话往往只是信口开河,有时候简直是转变抹角自夸。